Chapter 2

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Kara entered the memorising L-Corp building and wandered over to a woman standing behind a desk. 

"em, hello, excuse me?" Kara said in a whispered tone to the woman. the woman looked up from her desk with a questioning look. "I'm Kara Danvers, I'm here for the interview with Lena Luthor" Kara stated hopefully. the woman behind the desk smiled with a warm smile and pointed towards the elevator,

"Go on up!" don't keep her waiting now." the woman warned and Kara thanked her before scuttling across the floor and into the elevator. which was heading up to Lena's office at the top of the L-Corp building, when the elevator doors opened she stepped out and walked briskly towards the big main office which she assumed to be Miss Luthor's.  Kara knocked on the door and waited for a response hoping that she wasn't intruding on  the woman inside. 

"Come in!" she heard Miss Luthors confident, business like tone inviting her into the office. Kara pushed the door open carefully and walked in, her eyes met Lena's from across the room and Kara was stunned into silent. those eyes. wow. she suddenly became mute with the presence  of Lena in the room.  Lena had noticed that Kara was staring at her and immediately became incredibly self conscious, hoping there wasn't something embarrassing on her face.  

"Miss Danvers? is everything okay?" Lena asked inquisitively.  shit. Kara thought to herself as she quickly snapped her stare away and aimed it at the floor almost glaring at it, she started to fix her glasses even though they were perfectly fine. as her once pale cheeks turned a rosy shade of red. 

"em-eh-yeah. s-sorry" Kara mumbled under her breath, her heart beating so fast she was sure it would burst out of her chest at any moment. 

"That's quite alright" Lena says retaining her composure while letting out a wide smile. Kara looked back at the woman in front of her lifting her glare from the door and letting out an embarrassed smile her face still resembling a ripe tomato, trying with all her might not to get lost in the green of her emerald eyes. and failing. "However I've been told that interviews usually involve questions" Lena chuckled and slightly dipped her eyesight to the floor for a second before lifting it up to gaze into Kara's sky blue eyes. 

"Questions, y-yes i have so many questions just wait there a minute-" Kara trailed off while she was concentration on pulling out her notebook from her jacket pocket and flipping through about a million pages before settling on the one page the was full of questions for Miss Luthor. Lena stood staring at Kara fumbling about with her notes and couldn't help but chuckle at her antics, she had never met anyone who acted like Kara, she was so free. so carefree. Lena sat down behind her desk trying to remain professional for the interview but Kara was just to much and she gestured to the seat in front of her. 

"Please, Miss Danvers take a seat before you injure yourself" Lena said in a caring tone which surprised Kara because of all the rumours surrounding the Luthors, but Kara obliged and sat down in front of the desk, notebook and pen in hand, posed to write the answers to her questions.  

"t-t-thank you!" Kara whispered anxiously looking at the notebook in front of her instead of Miss Luthor, scared she would do something, well embarrassing. again. the sat in silence for a  only few seconds but it  felt like hours. 

"Please, relax. your making me nervous just sitting there" Lena pleaded but that small smile which is better described as a smirk carpeting her face. Kara's face got even redder, which she never thought was possible, she fixed her glasses before letting out a deep breath.  Kara laughed and looked up from her notebook, ready to ask her first question.

"So, whats your take on the presidents new law?" Kara asked hoping that Lena truly was nothing like her family. Lena leaned back in her chair almost looking like she was digesting the question. 

"If Aliens want to be citizens the that's their right i guess" Kara nodded while she scribbled down Len's answer. "here are L-Corp however are currently in the process of making a alien detecting device" Miss Luthor said clearly and confidently. at this last comment Kara's blood ran cold and she looked up to meet the emerald woman's eyes once more. Kara was confused by Lena's last answer, she knew that Lena had been brought up to hate aliens, but this device could destroy peoples relationships and even their lives. 

"doesn't that go against the aliens right ton freedom?" Kara probed, trying to make Lena see this was a mistake. but Lena looked a little frustrated at Kara's question. 

"Its the right of humans to know who around them isn't really one of them as well" Lena said coldly, her cheeky smirk completely gone from her face that now held a grimace instead. Kara nodded and jotted down some notes. Lena stood up and put her hand out to shake Kara's. with this gesture the youngest Danvers stood up taking this as her cue to leave, she shook Lena's hand softly, and felt the slightest trickle of electricity fly between them. 

"Goodbye Miss Danvers" Lena said with a hint of slight annoyance in her voice. Kara nodded and tuned around.

"Goodbye Miss Luthor" Kara walked out of the plush office, frustrated with the answers that Lena gave. but what was she expecting, she was a Luthor after all. 

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