Chapter 13

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Kara's eyes shot open as she struggled to sit up, the panic was evident in her usually calm, kind blue iris. she felt someone grab her hand and was happy to see it was her sister Alex who was looking down at her sympathetically. Alex had managed to track Kara down almost straight after her little visit to L Corp, before she had the chance to do any damage to National City or her reputation. After the Kryptonians last red kryptonite inflicted rage the DEO had kept some of the cure safe just in case they came up against Kara's alter ego in the future, with thanks to that it was surprisingly easy to detain the youngest Danvers, for that everyone was thankful. 

"Hey how are you feeling" Alex gently whispered smiling as she did happy to have her real sister back. Kara jumped of the sunbed and hugged her sister thankful that she managed to stop her before she inflicted some serious damage on the people she loves most. Kara pulled back gently from the short but sweet embrace and smiled gleefully. 

"I'm fine, thanks to you" Kara replied with a bit of a chuckle behind her words knowing Alex was just relived that she hadn't gotten herself hurt. Her sister was one off if not the most selfless person Kara knew including herself. All her life Alex had looked after and protected Kara, thats all she had ever done and the Kryptnoian was thankful for this because without her sister she honestly thought she would be dead by now, or at the very least captured by one of her many enemies. probably Cadmus.  

"you can make it up to me by letting me invite Maggie to sister night" Alex said laughing putting her arm around her little sister. Kara huffed jokingly and then started smiling along with her sisters infectious laughter. Kara gasped suddenly which made her sister turn to her the concern evident in her face, everything red kryptonite infected Supergirl did started to fade back into Kara's memories. 

"Kara?" Alex said quietly looking at her sister, rubbing her upper arm comfortingly. Kara couldn't speak, the memory of her straddling a defenceless Lena in her office was burning through her brain. what was she thinking?  The blonde couldn't help but fear that she may have just made the raven haired woman's life about one million times more confusing. 

"I-I need to tell you something" Kara managed to say in a nervous tone knowing full well what Alex would say about her secret. Her sister never replied but instead just raised her eyebrows at Kara ans slightly bowed her head pushing her to reveal everything. 

"Imightofkissedlena" Kara blurted out in what Alex liked to call 'Kara language'. Her sister had heard these mumbling's from Kara her whole life and was now a master at deciphering them so it took her no time a long to realise what her little sister just admitted. Alex's mouth hung open for a split second before jumping up and down excitedly giggling.  the DEO agent knew that supergirl was in love with the Luthor and finally her sister was ready to admit that to herself, for real.  

"Who would have thought all it took for you to admit your feelings was a bit of Red K. if i knew that i would have poisoned you myself" Alex said lightheartedly trying to suppress happy giggles that reminded Kara of when Maggie and Alex fist started dating. Kara punched her sister in the side of the arm playfully, while scrunching her eyebrows. 

"Alex, this isn't good, i kissed her as Supergirl not Kara Danvers" she huffed while stopping her feat frustrated at herself for royally fucking the whole Lena, Kara, Supergirl situation up. Alex just sighed and looked at Kara with sad eyes knowing that her sister never wanted to keep this secret from Lena but telling her it would endanger her life even more than it already was, and that was not a risk Kara was willing to take. 

"It will work out Kara don't worry just tell her how you feel as Kara, you know she feels the same" Alex stated trying to comfort her sister and make her feel less anxious about finally talking about her feelings with Lena. 

"What is she like likes Supergirl now though, what if she hates me" Kara was rambling now, another thing she did when she was nervous or scared about doing something. Alex started laughing again, she loved how innocent Kara was to relationships she was like a dorky little teenager. 

"Kara you are aware that you and Supergirl are the same person right?" Alex said her eyes going slightly wider to emphasise her pint of how silly Kara was being. her sister crossed her arms and glared at Alex, slightly annoyed that she wasn't taking this crisis seriously. Alex squeezed Kara's arms gently and walked away leaving her sister still standing there huffily. 

"Just talk to her" Alex shouted back towards the blonde. Kara nodded in response and turned on her heels flying straight out of the DEO. This time she was adiment that nothing would distract her on her way to explain her self and apologise to a certain Luthor.  

Authors note:

hey guys thanks for all the votes, reads and comments as usual. please let me know if theres anything you guys want me to include! im going to be writing Sanvers more into the story and don't worry Supercorp will rise people! (i'm praying to the gay gods it will be canon in the actual show as well) I'm going to be bringing Mon-El into this as well but dont worry you will all get to witness a jealous Lena!!!


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