Chapter 25

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Lena pulled Kara into another passionate kiss, wrapping her arms around the blondes neck so she could be in control, Lena nipped Kara's bottom lip which aroused a small moan from Kara, who looked immediately embarrassed, Lena started to make her way from Kara's plump lips down onto her neck, nipping at Kara's sweet spots which again makes the blonde moan and continue to grow more and more embarrassed. 

"Moaning is a good sign baby" Lena whispered, so softly Kara could barley hear her over her beating heart, Kara just nodded frightened whatever she would say would ruin the moment and thats the last thing she wanted. The Luthor made her way back to Kara's lips, as if trying to drown herself in the blonde, her nimble fingers moved down Kara's body stopping when she got to the first shirt button as she started to undo them, slowly and softly one by one, she took Kara's shirt of so gently that she didn't even notice. Lena pulled away from the passionate kiss to take a deep breath and to have a quick glance at her handy work, she smiled as she saw Kara sitting breathless in a simple sky blue bra. Lena started leaving a trail of kisses from the top of Kara's collar bone down onto her chest, she started massaging Kara's breasts in her hands slightly pushing her down so she was now lying on the bed with the raven hair girl on top of her. 

Lena continued nibbling and kissing all the way down Kara's chest and her stomach, stopping at her hip just above where her black skinny jeans covered the rest of her body, Lena paused she knew that Kara was consenting to this but it didn't change the fact that it was her first time, what if she didn't really know what she was consenting to? Kara sensed Lena was apprehensive to continue. 

"I'm okay Lee please don't stop" Kara murmured her eyes have closed with the intense feelings of pleasure she was experiencing, this is all the encouragement that Lena needed, she quickly whipped of Kara's jeans so she was lying just in her blue bra and panties to match. Lena liked her lips like a predator stalking her pray, She started kissing the inside of Kara's thighs, already feeling the heat behind Kara's panties but Lena wanted to take it slowly so her girlfriend could enjoy every second. Lena carefully slid Kara's panties off and parted her legs that were glistening due to the wetness spreading from her sex. Lena bowed her head, sensually she drew her tongue up Kara's slit. 

"Oh my god" Kara gasped out clenching the sheets on either side of her tightly. Lena slowly moved her tongue over Kara's clit in small, accurate simulations. Kara began to breath more rapidly, she had never felt anything like this before. Lena started moving her tongue faster and faster around her lovers clit, knowing exactly what she was doing. Kara's moaning became louder and louder every second. Lena took her head away from Kara's sex suddenly. 

"No, please don't stop please" Kara begged, not daring to open her eyes, scared that the sight of Lena between her legs would end her. Lena chuckled softly as she started stroking Kara's drenched slit with her finger, suddenly Kara gasped harshly, like she had just been winded, Lena had pushed her finger deep into Kara's pussy as she started moving it inside her body. Kara started whimpering in pleasure, she felt as though millions of fireworks were going off inside of her and Lena was the dynamite. Lena slowly pushed a second finger inside Kara, which almost made her scream in pleasure. Lena started moving her two fingers faster inside Kara, she started to feel the blondes walls tighten around her fingers, knowing she was close Lena sped up even more. Kara's insides felt like they were on fire, her whole body was squirming now under the Luthors influence. Suddenly Kara throw her head back roughly, so she was facing the ceiling, her eyes still closed. Her whole body felt like it was contracting into itself, suddenly in that split moment Kara lost control of herself, her eyelids flew open quickly as her powers took over her scream of pleasure was deafening, as her heat vision flew out of her eyes in a long beam, burning a huge whole in Lena's ceiling. She finished. 

Kara's whole body went limp as her heat vision dissipated and she lay on the bed panting heavily. Lena's eyebrow were raised at Kara. 

"Well i suppose its a good thing im on the top floor" Lena said as she started laughing, Kara sat up slightly leaning on her elbows so she could look at the raven haired girl, Kara furrowed her eyebrows in confusion to which Lena just pointed at the ceiling above the bed. Kara's mouth fell to the floor as her face started to redden again. 

"I'm so sorry" Kara said as she started laughing with Lena, Lena climbed over Kara's exhausted body so she could lie beside her smiling. 

"I'll take it as a compliment" Lena said cheekily which made Kara smirk happily, she couldn't of asked for a better day if she tried.  Lena picked her tray of half eaten pancakes off of the ground "Well i think i'll go heat the rest of these up" Lena said smiling over at her other half. 

"No it's okay I'll do it" Kara volunteered happily, she aimed her eyesight at the pancakes, but nothing was happening, Kara narrowed her eyes but still no heat vision was streaming out out her eyes.  Lena looked at Kara confused at why it was taking so long, was she okay?

"whats wrong honey?" Lena asked sweetly stroking the blonde hair out of Kara's face, Kara turned frantically to face Lena her blue eyes a darker shade of blue than Lena had ever seen before. 

"I think i blew my powers out"

Authors Note 

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter and thank you for all the votes, comments and reads, 

dont forget to check out my other supercorp fanfic called 'The Supercorp Diaries' and my original story 'Stereotypers and my brand new Swanqueen fic 'Swanqueen is the new black' 

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