Chapter 37

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"Serum please" Lillian ordered standing over Lena who was now struggling to breath through the harsh pain that her body was experiencing. One of Lillian's lackeys handed her the large needle, which must have been at least nine inches long, filled with a bright green liquid. Lillian quickly found a bulging blue vein on one of Lena's arms, she held the needle up to her skin ready at any minute to stab the protruding vein. "This will end all your pain Lena I promise" Lillian whispered, Lena knew this was the end of the line for her and at this point she would go as far as to welcome death. Kara probably didn't even get her note, the man she trusted probably just went straight to Lillian, and if there was no hope of her rescue, she couldn't put up with the pain not of there wasn't a chance in a happy ending. 

Lillian pushed the needle far into Lena's vein, injecting the entirety of the serum into Lena's body. Her veins glowed a luminous shade of green as it made its way around her bloodstream, travelling all over her broken body. Lena couldn't contain her screams of pain for any longer, the liquid tore through every fibre of her being, showing no mercy to the pain sensors of her brain. Lillian stood back smiling down at her daughter, knowing that the screaming was a sign that the experiment was working. Lena's whole body started shaking, her limbs were flailing, banging on the table that she had been tied down to since Lillian had captured her. 

Suddenly the shaking stopped, Lena's body lay still and her screams in pain came to an end. Lillian circled her daughter's body, she took a breath of relied when she saw the faint movement of Lena's chest rising and falling, showing that she was alive, just. Lillian made her way so she was standing at the side of Lena's head, ready for part two of her great experiment. 

"The chip please" Lillian ordered as another one of her lackeys handed her the electronic chip, Lillian inserted it into another, longer needle. "If this works how it should then Lena will become no more than a robot, I will be able to order her to do whatever I want, she would essentially be brain dead, she would no longer be Lena Luthor, but a weapon I can use at my leisure" Lillian said cunningly as she pushed the needle in Lena's ear, bursting her ear drum with the needle, until finally reaching the edge of Lena's brain and pushing the chip into the centre of the organ. Lena never once screamed in pain, which was just another sign that Lillian's experiment worked. She took the needle out Lena's ear placing it on a table beside her before undoing the bonds that kept Lena tied to the slab of cold stone, Lena still never moved. 

"Supergirl Is your enemy" Lillian directed at Lena who was still lying on the stone table. a minute of silence passed, no one in the room daring to say a word. 

"Supergirl is my enemy" Lena repeated back to Lillian, Lillian smiled knowing now that her plan was going to work. 

"Kara Danvers is your enemy" Lillian said, louder this time circling Lena's body once more. 

"Kara Danvers is my enemy" Lena repeated back once again without a single shred of emotion in her tone, she had become the robot that Lillian had always dreamed of. 

"What do we do to our enemies" Lillian questioned, a huge smile now playing on her face as her fantasy was finally with years of planning becoming a reality. 

"We kill them" Lena stated. Lillian stood behind her daughters head, leaning down towards her still bleeding ears. 

"Show me how we kill our enemies" Lillian whispered into Lena's ear. Lena sat up slowly and turned her head to face the group of Lillian's lackeys all standing together. Lena's eyes which were now permanently a glace white colour because of the first set of injections Lillian had put into her body, turning her blind and this had not changed. Lena's glazed over eyes began to glow green, the same shade of luminous green as the serum that had been put into her body only minutes earlier. Suddenly two streams of green what looked like lasers shot out of Lena's eyes, burning a gaping whole in one of Lillian's lackey's, killing him instantly.  As soon as it was clear that he was dead Lena's eyes stopped glowing green and returned to their usual white. "Very good" Lillian said proudly to Lena. 

"How did you do that?" one of the now terrified lackeys asked Lillian, she chuckled. 

"It's very simple you see all i did was inject Lena with a serum made of one hundred percent Kryptonite that quickly burned through her body destroying all the nerves and radiating her bloodstream. When the serum got to her brain it destroyed every single pain receiver and the part of her brain that allows for independent thought and feelings. turning her into no more than a robot i can control. As for the green lasers she can shoot out of her eyes well that's even more simple, because i blinded her before putting the Kryptonite in her system, her optic nerve was flooded with Kryptonite allowing her instead of seeing to shoot pure Kryptonite out of her eyes. The Kryptonite also heightened all her other senses" Lillian paused as she walked towards the door of the room. "She is the perfect weapon against Supergirl, she will be the end of the Supers" Lillian said calmly opened the door to exit the room, "Kill them" Lillian ordered Lena, gesturing to what was left of her lackeys, before exiting the room completely.       

"Come and rescue your lover Supergirl, I dare you" Lillian murmured to herself a sly smile stuck to her face as she heard the screams of her lackeys coming from inside the room. 

Authors Note:

Hey guys hope you enjoyed that chapter and thanks for all the reads, comments and votes it means a lot and dont be scared to message me with any questions or if you want to talk. 

Don't forget to checkout my other Supercorp story 'The Supercorp diaries' and my Swanqueen fic 'Swanqueen is the new black'

Thank you!

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