Chapter 35

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Alex opened the door to her apartment, her heart still pumping endless amounts of adrenaline around her body after giving who she thought was Lena a piece of her mind, and it was a hell of a piece. She turned around and saw Maggie sitting on the couch, a sleeping Kara's head in her lap. Alex walked over to the two women silently, sitting on the arm of the couch next to Maggie so not to disturb her sister. Maggie smiled as Alex bent down from her perch on the sofa to give her a peck on the lips. 

"How'd it go Danvers?" Maggie asked quietly, cautious of waking Kara and having to deal with another round of crying. Alex smiled remembering the terrified look she had observed on Lena's face, showing that Alex was doing a good job at being the protective big sister. 

"She won't be messing with Kara again that's for sure" Alex said happily, Maggie nodded her head slowly, a thing she only did when she was either in deep thought or didn't agree with what was being said but didn't want to fight about it.  "Maggie, what is it?" Alex whispered, looking into her deep caring eyes. 

"What if that's not what Kara wanted?" Maggie asked, looking back up at Alex who was now furrowing her eyebrows in confusion, leaning slightly away from her lover to show her annoyance. "They had a fight Al, we have no idea what actually happened" Maggie hissed out, knowing that even mentioning this would send Alex into a whole different world of anger. 

"Maggie, she was in hysterics, whatever Lena did, it was bad" Alex growled, Kara's body stirred at the increasing noise in the room. 

"All I'm saying is-" Maggie began but she was quickly cut off by Alex as she noticed her sisters eyelids flutter open after her short nap. 

"Hey Kara!" Alex said cheerily, a big smile on her face completely ignoring the presence of Maggie. Kara sat up slowly, rubbing her tear stained eyes, Alex stood up and walked over to the door grabbing one of her jackets and throwing it in the direction of Kara who just looked at Alex in confusion. "Put the jacket on we're going to the alien bar" Alex said putting her own jacket on, Kara didn't move all she wanted to do right now was eat all the ice cream in the world while binge watching parks and recreation. "Come on Kara we're meeting James, Winn and Mon-el for drinks, It'll take your mind off everything" Alex pushed again opening the door to the apartment. 

"Alex is right little Danvers you need to blow off some post break off steam" Maggie said pushing Kara's shoulder playfully before standing up and putting her own jacket on. Kara sighed deeply before standing up and walking towards her sister and Maggie leaving the jacket Alex had given her on the floor. 

"I don't need a jacket" Kara mumbled walking out the apartment door accepting the fact that she would never get any peace from Alex until she did so. Alex mouthed a quick 'thank you' to Maggie before the pair followed Kara down the hallway of the apartment block, making their way to the alien bar.  


The trio entered the alien dive bar and immediately Alex spotted James, Winn and Mon-el all sitting at a table in the corner. Alex pulled Maggie and Kara over to the table as they sat down beside the other half of the 'Superfriends' plus Mon-el who was still on strict instructions to behave himself.  

"Alex told us what happened you don't need her Kara" James said, doing his best to be supportive of his friend, giving her a quick hug over the table. Winn looked at Kara with sad, sympathetic eyes, but before he had a chance to be supportive himself Kara walked away from her table of friends and headed straight for the door, she needed some air. 

"Kara!" Alex shouted after her sisters fleeting form as she left the bar, Mon-el stood up from the table and grabbed onto Alex's hand before she disappeared after her sister. 

"I'll go" Mon-el whispered in Alex's ear as he walked quickly after Kara, he found her pacing in the alleyway behind the dive bar and walked over to her, forcing Kara to stop her off putting pacing. "Are you okay?" Mon-el asked putting his hands on Kara's shoulders to hold her in place. Kara tried to push him away, she desperately needed some more breathing room but without her powers she simply didn't have the strength. "Im here for you Kara, I will always be here for you" Mon-el whispered and before Kara knew what was happening he placed a sloppy kiss on her lips, Kara struggled in his arms, before she bit down hard on his lip forcing him to pull back in pain and let her go. "What the hell Kara!" Mon-ell yelled out in pain, Kara couldn't say anything she was in so much shock from what happened with Lena and now this. She turned on her heels and ran as fast as she could away from the dive bar and more importantly Mon-el. 

Kara had no idea where she was going as she ended up on the main commercial street of National City, she could see the L-Corp building and remembered the one person she wanted to see, didn't want to see her. Kara couldn't hide all her emotions anymore, she let her self fall to the ground, loosing control of her powerless body as she started shaking with the force of her crying in the middle of the street. 

Suddenly a small hand appeared in front of Kara's face, the blonde looked up through her tears and saw the concerned face of Cat Grant looking down at her. 

"Come on Kiera get up" Cat ordered, Kara grabbed her hand and allowed Cat, who was surprisingly strong help her to her feet. "Now get it together, whatever it is it will get better" Cat said calmly locking arms with Kara, as she started to help Kara walk down the street, completing ignoring the stares of strangers that her current state was earning her. 

"Miss Grant-" Kara started through her tears but before she could say anymore Cat interrupted her.  

"Not a word until we get to Catco, I can't handle whatever this is without Bourbon" Cat said pulling Kara along behind her. 

Authors Note:

Hey guys i hope you enjoyed that chapter and thank you for all the reads, votes and comments it means a lot and dont be afraid to send me a private message if you have any questions or anything!

also dont forget to check out my other Supercorp fic 'The Supercorp Diaries' and my Swanqueen fic 'Swanqueen is the new black'

thank you!

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