Chapter 55

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Lena ran as fast as she could through the streets of National City, hot tears of anger streaming to her now slightly redden cheeks, when suddenly her body collided with something, or more like someone, Lena tried to continue on her path down the street but string hands were holding her in place, not letting her go anywhere. She looked up into the familiar eyes of Maggie, the first person she trusted after waking up. 

"Lena whats wrong?" Maggie asked, letting go of Lena's sleeve confident that she no longer going to take off on her. Lena ran her hand coolly through her long raven hair, catching her breath, Maggie's worried eyes staring into Lena's angry emerald ones the whole time. 

"Kara" Lena paused slightly, spitting out the blondes name in disgust, "she controls every single thing I do, she won't let me be who I want to be and she makes me look like a idiot in front of everyone, I don't want to be wrapped in cotton wool anymore!" Lena shouted kicking a bin that her and Maggie were standing beside, Maggie flinched slightly not expecting the brunette to have such a temper. "I want to live a life without her looking over my shoulder all the time, but she won't leave me alone!" Lena said again, Maggie stopping her from sending another kick flying towards the bin. 

"Kara is just trying to help, trying to make you feel wanted all this is hard for her as well Lena" Maggie paused seeing Lena's face becoming more frustrated and angry by the second. "Come on you know that!" Maggie said, crossing her arms, not backing down to Lena's anger she had dealt with a lot worse than a pissed off Luthor. 

"Oh I think I win this round of who is the most damaged!" Lena snapped back, a look of pure hatred glowing in the centre of her iris, Maggie had never seen Lena like this. 

"Kara is in love with you Lena! you can't even imagine how she's feeling!" Maggie yelled, Lena was about to say some sort of snidey retort but Maggie was quicker. "You're back and alive and yet she can't be with you because you can't remember loving her, she wants you back, that's why she's so controlling she thinks that all these changes means that you won't and don't love her anymore, so give Danvers a break for the love of god Lena!" Maggie shouted, walking away from the Luthor, you would think those two were in grade school scared to talk to each other about their feelings, Maggie felt like the teacher having to intervene in a lovers quarrel. Lena cursed softly behind Maggie's back before walking slowly in the direction of her new bar, boy did she need a drink. 


Cat gave Kara a towel sitting beside her on the couch. Kara sighed doing her best to try and wipe away the coffee stain but it was no good, that once white top now had a firm coffee stain on it, forever. 

"She hates me, she actually hates me" Kara said quietly, putting her head in her hands, this wasn't the first time she had cried in Cat's office but she hoped it would be the last. Cat scoffed loudly at Kara's realisation which of course caught Kara's attention. She looked up at her boss furrowing her eyebrows wondering what was so funny. 

"How can somebody who has X-ray vision be so blind?" Cat chuckled leaning back on the sofa, Kara pursed her lips slightly, trying to work out what Cat was getting at. "Listen to me Kara, she doesn't hate you, she loves you and that confuses her because whether you like it or not you have to face the fact that she doesn't know you" Cat paused for a second. "So stop interfering in her life let her figure herself out again, you have to bare in mind everything she went through, even if she can't remember exactly what happened it doesn't mean that it doesn't effect her. 

"What do I do now?" Kara asked, Cat pushed Kara off the couch forcing the blonde to stand on her feat. 

"Go and talk to her like an adult Kara" Cat said dismissing her, Kara walked out of the office slowly looking back to see Cat laughing quietly to herself. 


Kara walked into Lena's bar and she spotted the brunette straight away, she was currently behind the bar cleaning some shot glasses, she walked over to the bar and sat on one of the modern sparkling stools, making her eye level with the brunette who had finally noticed who was sitting at her bar. 

"I'm sorry" Lena and Kara said at the same time, Lena smiled putting down the glass she had just finished cleaning. Kara fixed her glasses nervously on her face, feeling her cheeks begin to get hot. 

"I should never of told you what to do-" Kara began about to spout the huge apology speech she had ran over time and time again in her head on the way over to the bar. but before she could finish Lena had interrupted her. 

"Kara, it's okay I should never of been so hard on you I can't even imagine how hard this is for you" Lena said placing her hand on top of Kara's for a split second before lifting it of again, like she had just touched something hot, which she supposed she did. suddenly Lena noticed Kara's coffee stained shirt, and couldn't help but feel guilty. "Do you want to borrow one of my tops, yours is a bit stained" Lena laughed. Kara looked down at her shirt she had completely forgotten about the coffee until that moment. 

"That would be great" Kara laughed awkwardly as Lena opened the swing door of the bar, letting Kara through so she to was behind the bar. 

"come with me" Lena said walking through to the back of the bar and up a small flight of stairs, opening a old creaky door, Kara followed Lena in, she gasped at what she saw, "Yeah i moved out of my old place, this felt more like me" Lena beamed, grabbing a top from a nearby wardrobe. Kara looked around the bohemian apartment it was so unique and amazing, possibly one of the best apartments she had ever seen but she wasn't sure if it was because it was Lena's. Lena handed the top to Kara, who was still in awe. 

"should I go through to the bathroom to change or-" Kara began, looking at Lena who was standing close to her. 

"No it's fine just quickly put it on here I don't mind" Lena said simply, Kara giggled nervously before taking off her stained blouse revealing an equally white bra, and Lena couldn't help but notice those abs, she breathed out heavily not able to take her eyes of them. When suddenly she felt slightly dizzy, she tried to grab onto Kara's arm for support but missed it completely due to the double vision, she fell heavily onto the floor, her eyes becoming more and more hazy. Kara sat down beside Lena's body, Lena saw Kara's mouth moving but couldn't hear anything she was saying. Lena felt her body being lifted into the air, then her eyes fell shut and her mind fell into darkness. 

Authors Note:

Hey guys hope you enjoyed that chapter and thank you for all the reads, comments and votes it means a lot!

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