Chapter 50

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Lena and Kara walked into the DEO, Carus helping Lena find her way through all the twisty dark corners of the headquarters until they got to Alex's lab, which she had practically been living in over these past weeks. She was currently putting luminous blue liquid into a rather large needle, her hair was a mess and Kara couldn't help but wonder when the last time she got any sleep was, still Kara trusted her sister with Lena's life, even in the state she had become, that just showed how much Alex cared. 

"Lena are you ready to get your eyes back?" Alex asked a big, proud smile carpeting her face preparing the operating table for the Luthor's body, Lena's voice caught in her throat she had never thought that Alex would be able to find a cure, she had almost began to accept the fact the blind was going to her new normal, Carus nudged Lena's hand whining softly, pushing her towards Alex like he understood what was happening better than her and Lena never doubted that that was in fact true.  Lena nodded as she held out Carus' lead for Kara to take before she staggered over towards Alex's voice who held out her own hand for Lena to take. "Kara you need to step out, I'll come find you once its done" Alex said, Kara didn't move a muscle instead she stood staring past her sister and at Lena who Alex had helped up onto the operating table, what if this operation went wrong? what if this operation didn't save Lena but it killed her instead?

"Kara I'll see you after" Lena said smiling, lying on her back on the operating table, Kara chuckled, leave it up to Lena to lighten the mood. 

"You better!" Kara shouted over as she, walked with Carus out of the operating room, her heartbeat was through the roof, beating loud and hard enough to burst a eardrum. She walked away on shaky legs, even Carus seemed a little out of source with the loss of Lena. Kara walked into the main mission room in the DEO hoping that the busy, buzz of people would help take her mind off what was happening to Lena, but it wasn't working Kara couldn't get Lena out of her head, like she was already haunting her every thought. 

"You okay Kara?" Maggie said from behind her, Kara looked round and saw a concerned look on Maggie's face, Kara nodded hurriedly, gulping down the tears of worry. Maggie smiled sadly, knowing that Kara was falling apart on the inside. "She'll pull through little Danvers" Maggie said walking past her, on her way back to the NCPD, she had a big pile of paper work to finish before the end of the night. 

Kara was beginning to get nervous, it had been just over five hours since she had left Lena with her sister on the operating table, Suddenly a news alert went off on her phone, she looked at the headline 'Another Luthor on Trial' it read, Kara skimmed the article, realising that it was the start of Liana's trial today, Kara had barley given her a second thought since she got Lena back, or what was left of Lena, but maybe Liana would know how to cure Lena for good, as well as bringing back her memories? Maybe it would be worth paying her a visit in prison. Just as she put her phone down, the figure of Alex appeared in the corner of Kara's eye, she spun round to face her sister who had a massive smile on her face, which made tears of happiness poor down Kara's cheeks. 

"She just woke up, she can see again Kara" Alex paused embracing her new sobbing sister in a hug, "Lena can see." Alex repeated, a few tears of happiness running down her own cheeks. Th e sisters pulled apart, laughing, Carus was jumping up and down wagging his tail in excitement, Kara was sure that dog could understand everything, maybe he was an alien. 

"Can I go and see her?" Kara asked wiping away her tears, trying to calm herself down. Alex nodded taking Carus' lead off of Kara, letting the blonde practically run in the direction of the operating table where Lena lay. Alex looked down at Carus who's tail was still wagging, she bent down giving him a big hug as he licked her face. 

"Lena's going to be alright boy, everything is going to be alright" Alex whispered into Carus' silky coat. 

Kara walked into the room and saw Lena sitting up on the operating table, her eyes were no longer clouded over with a white substance, but her emerald green eyes were once again shining, she looked just like the old Lena. Kara walked closer to the table, she watched Lena looking around the room in amazement, she noticed that the brunette to had tears running down her cheeks, but just like Kara's they were tears of happiness. Lena's eyes feel upon Kara's blue eyes, it felt like the first time they met all over again, and for Lena it was the first time she could remember. 

"Let me guess, Kara right?" Lena asked smiling, still a bit groggy from the anaesthetic that was beginning to ware off, Kara nodded unable to speak, again just taken away fro the potency of those green eyes, they looked greener than ever before. "I told you I would see you soon" Lena said, with a wink. Kara's face turned a light shade of red, making Lena laugh but Kara didn't mind she would do anything for Lena. 

Authors Note:

Hey guys I hope you're enjoying this book and thank you for all the votes, comments and reads it means a lot!

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