Chapter 5

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At practice, John couldn't focus on anyone but Sherlock who had become the closest person to him over the last few weeks. They talked every day, meeting one another in the science wing first thing in the morning and carrying the conversations to the flat on Baker st or down to John's job. 

Every time John thought about Sherlock his stomach would flip. Not in a bad way, but in a nervous way. Every time they were close John did something dumb like knocked his drink over and into his lap or breaking pepper shakers he was filling.  When Sherlock was around it was like someone would take over John's body and make him act like a fool. But when Sherlock was around John finally felt normal. Understood. 

John dove for the ball stopping at the sight Sherlock sitting in the bleachers watching him play. In that moment he offered a small smile before he was plowed into the ground.

"Watson!" Coach bellowed. "Get your head in the game!"

Shaking it off John stood back up and looked over at Sherlock again who was smoking. Just the sight of Sherlock made John's heart beat quicken.

"Watson!" Coach yelled again taking John's attention and forcing it back into the sport at hand.  

John played so hard he was on the verge of spewing his guts all over the field, but he earned a 'that's how you play boys' from his coach, which somehow, made feeling like garbage worth it. In the locker room, John stayed under the shower until the water ran cold and everyone was gone.  

He grabbed his stuff and left the locker room, surprised to find Sherlock leaning against the wall waiting for him. 

"What are you still doing here?" He asked buttoning his work shirt as they walked.

"Coming to talk to you."

"What about?"


"Nothing in particular?"


"I'm headed to work if you want to walk with me and talk then."

"When are you getting off?" Sherlock asked.


"I'll see you then." He said stalking off.

"Wait, you aren't going to walk with me?"

"Nope. Got things to do." 

"Okay, I guess I'll see you then," John sighed trying to keep the disappointment out of his voice. It wasn't like Sherlock was his boyfriend. 

While Sherlock waited for John to get off of work he got high. It was his favourite pass time when he wasn't with John and it wasn't like he could find anything better to do. So he popped a few pill, avoided his family like the plague and left through the window, meeting John just as he was closing the diner.

"Heeey," Sherlock called as he walked.

"Sherlock?" John asked turning.

"That's my name."

'What's going on with you?"

"Nothing. I'm just coming down from a chemically induced high, I'll be good in like, an hour, two tops."

"Sherlock it's 11:30 at night you want to stay out for another two hours."

"If I'm with you yes."

John looked at his shoes. He didn't want Sherlock to see the blush on his face so he watched the bricks as he walked.

"How far off do you live?" John asked pulling the tall boy to his other side of him so he wouldn't fall into the path of oncoming cars.

"About a mile walk."

"You walked a mile in the state that you are in just to see me?"



"Why not?"

"Let's get you home," John said letting not bothering with the conversation. It wasn't like Sherlock would give him the answer he wanted. 

"How kind," Sherlock mused 


"I said how kind, John. Listen up." 

"I heard what you said Sherlock, I was asking what is kind."

"You making sure I get home safe."

"Well, you're my friend. Of course, I will."

Sherlock was quiet. No one had ever called him their friend before especially not someone as good as John Watson. 

"I'm your friend?" He asked looking down at John

"Yes, Unless you don't want to be."

Sherlock shook his head and John noticed the way his curls swished "I didn't say that."

"Friends look out for one another. What kind of friend would I be if I left you out here in the state that you're in?"

"I'm perfectly aware of my surroundings, I would make it home." Sherlock snapped suddenly angry

"But if you didn't and God knows what happened to you?"

"Stop worrying about me. I know what I'm doing, friend!" Sherlock exclaimed throwing his arms up in the air 

"Sherlock, are you angry with me?" John asked, confused at Sherlock's sudden change in behaviour

"No." He had no reason to be angry. It was just a word. 

"Then what is the matter." 

"Nothing. Let's just walk."

"Your house is huge." John gawked looking at the three-story red brick building.


"Let's get you inside where's your key?"


"Yes key, how else do you get inside?"

Sherlock let out a chuckle and pointed to the window right above them.

"How do you get out?"

"I jump."

"And to go in?"

"The same way." 

"Well get up there."

Sherlock made his way up but half way in he needed a push and John came to the rescue entering the room shortly thereafter. Sherlock was lying on the floor half asleep when John had turned around.

"Come on," John said pulling the boy up and setting him on the bed. He locked the bedroom door and turned back to his friend who was watching him through have closed lids

"Will you be okay tonight?" Sherlock whispered into the dimly lit room.

John nodded unable to say the words in case it wasn't true.

"Meet me in the Science wing tomorrow morning?"

John nodded again undoing the laces to Sherlock's shoes and pulling them off.

"Are you good?" John asked Sherlock who was almost fully asleep.

"Mm," Sherlock said turning to the wall.

John covered him with a blanket, turned out his lamp leaving through the window without another word. 

AN: What is up my Dudes? Here we have a new chapter. A shorter chapter but a chapter. Let me know what you think, vote, comment, share, private message me. Idc just hit me up with some feedback :) 

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