Chapter 4

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Sherlock was confused when he didn't find John at school the next day and more so confused at why he cared. 

John should be here. 

He had a game tonight. If you don't go to school you don't play in the game. John liked playing the game. It was his release.

While Sherlock sat in school thinking about John and where he could possibly be, John, laid in bed locked tightly in his room waiting for the bruising to go down around his eye.

The next day he was back at school. He was wearing an eye full of makeup in an attempt to hide the events from two days before, but he was back at school. When coach yelled at him for missing the game he said he was sick and let him lecture. In class, he kept his head down and said nothing. During the seventh period, John did not look at a single person, not even Sherlock. John was out the door as soon as the bell had rung. 

He was on a fast track home when he was yanked into an alley and thrown against the wall. John immediately took a fighting stance and stopped the moment that he saw who it was.

"Sherlock you idiot I nearly struck you!" He yelled shrugging the boy off of him.

Sherlock was looking at him with those green eyes. His gaze tearing down every defence he had. Sighing, John, looked at his shoes.

"What happened?" Sherlock asked back away and crossing his arms. He knew, there was no way that he couldn't know, but he wanted to hear John say it. Wanted him to confirm it. 

"I fell." 

"Into what a fist?" Sherlock snapped

John said nothing he just stared at his shoes

"You missed school. You never miss school." Sherlock said finally.

"Well, I couldn't exactly go to school with a bruise on my face and be having everyone asking questions."

Sherlock sighed. He looked at the boy with sandy blonde hair and sad blue eyes and was suddenly filled with a feeling of protection. Why he didn't know but he felt it.

"The next time it happens you call me," Sherlock said pulling a random piece of paper from his pocket and the pen from his ear.

"I'm not going to do that." 

"I'm asking you to. Call me." He said holding the paper out to the boy. John just looked at it. So Sherlock stuck it in his pocket, leaving John frozen in shock. Sherlock's touch had left him with tingles shooting up and down his body

"In case you decide to call," Sherlock explained 

They remained close like that for a moment. So close their noses were nearly touching. John was tempted to kiss the taller boy. Instead, he moved from the wall and resumed walking. Sherlock isn't gay he told himself and neither am I.

"Have you ever hit him back?" Sherlock asked suddenly.

"What?" John asked turning around. 

"Your father. Have you ever hit him back when you were being beaten," Sherlock repeated.

John nodded. "Once. I took the worst beating I've ever had after that."

Sherlock didn't know how to respond to something he didn't understand, so he just took the boy's hand and lead him to his favourite place. His safe place

"Why are we in an apartment building?" John asked reading the numbers on the doors as he passed.

"It is a flat," Sherlock corrected. 

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