Chapter 17

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Sherlock had gone home without a word to John. He went home and locked himself in his bedroom and kept to himself. The truth was he was writing. He had so many thoughts that the only remedy was to write them down. He told John he was just tired. A lie but worth the silence for.

Sherlock wrote for so long he lost track of time. Until he heard the sound of John crying in the other room. He paused his writing and listened harder. Sure enough, John was whimpering. Sherlock looked at the clock. 3 a.m.

Setting his pen down, he stood and went to the end of the hall, hearing the moans getting louder.

He opened the door and walked in, finding John thrashing in his sleep. Nightmares.

Crossing the room, Sherlock slid into the other side of the bed. Then, he grabbed John and pulled him against his chest.

John woke with a gasp pushing against Sherlock, panic coursing through every vein in his body.

"It was a dream." Sherlock whispered holding John tighter, "It was just a dream."

John let out a shaky breath, "It felt so real."

Sherlock began to lazily rub small circles on John's back, "I'm here. It was just a dream."

They stayed that way until long after John had calmed down. They were just lying together now. John holding onto Sherlock, and Sherlock rubbing John's back.

"Sherlock?" John whispered


"Thank you."


"I like the way you smell," John said suddenly. Which was true. He loved the way Sherlock smelled, like tobacco and peppermint.

Sherlock chuckled, stirring feelings deep within John. "Thank you."

"I'm serious."

"I know you are."

"Then how is what I said, funny?"

"What you said isn't funny. It's how you said it."

"How did I say it."

"You just said it, blurted it out to fill the silence, and now you are laying there with a blush."

"I don't blush." 

"You blushed harder than anyone I have ever met, John Watson."

"I can't help it."

"No one can help it. It's just something I've noticed that you do."

"You know what I've noticed?"

"What's that?"

"The way you smiled when you have successfully solved a case."

"How is that?"

"Like you've won the lottery."



"Just an interesting viewpoint."

"I've also noticed when you're really stressed you pull on your hair. And you only drink tea at night, when you don't you are up for the whole night doing your experiments or yell at the tv."

"Tell me something."


"What gave you the idea that I love you?"

"You told me."

"No, I didn't."

"You did. The night you were drunk," John explained, "I was getting you in bed and you told me you loved me. I said okay. You said to read the notebook if I wanted the truth."

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