Chapter 16

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There was a soft knock on the study door, snapping both boys from their love filled lip lock. Sherlock sighed and walked over, opening the door he revealed his mother.

"Are you all alright?" She asked playing with the pearls around her neck nervously. "We heard yelling and then it got quiet, I was afraid someone was being murdered."

"We are fine, mother. We were just headed out." Sherlock said grabbing John's hand and pulled him back into the living room.

"You two were in there for an awfully long time," Mycroft said peering at the boys over the rim of his glass. Greg elbowed him, offering John a small smile for an apology

"We had a lot to discuss," Sherlock said curtly taking his seat back on the love seat

"So it seems."

"Is there a point you're trying to make, brother?" Sherlock asked with a raised eyebrow

"No, brother. No point, just an observation is all."


Mycroft opened his mouth to say something but stopped at the sound of his mother calling them in for dinner. Greg pulled him to the side. 

"What are you doing?" He hissed 

"I'm just making a conversation." Mycroft shrugged innocently 

"You are trying to upset your brother," Greg frowned. "Can't you see this is hard for him."


"Don't. Stop acting like a child and be the man I know you can be, yeah?" 

Mycroft nodded with a sigh

Sherlock sat beside John and adjusted his chair so their knees were touching.

"So John, you want to be a doctor?" Mrs Holmes asked him from the kitchen


"Any particular reason why?'

"I like helping people, and I had a doctor as a child who I enjoyed, so I decided, why not?"

"Was this a family doctor?"

John let out an awkward laugh and shook his head, "No it was a doctor for the hospital, I took a nasty fall down the stairs, broke a few ribs and he was really nice and calm."

"You fell down the stairs?"

"I was extremely clumsy as a child," John explained feeling heat rush to his cheeks. 

"That sounds awful."

"It wasn't as bad as it seems."

"You poor thing." Mrs Holmes cooed, patting the boy's hand

"This roast is lovely, Mrs Holmes," Greg said trying to take the spotlight off of John. It wasn't something that John had every told him directly, but he knew his teammate was from an abusive home. 

"Why thank you, Greg. I tried a new spice this time."

"Well, it is wonderful."

"What do you think, Honey?" She asked turning to her husband who hadn't said anything since before dinner other than 'pass the potatoes'.

He nodded taking another mouthful.

"That doesn't tell me anything."

"It's lovely." He said

"You don't really think so."

Mr Holmes sighed, "I think it's good."

"Good, not great?"

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