Chapter 15

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AN: OOOH! This is one of my favorite chapters, let me know what you think, comment and vote. 

When Sherlock came home the next night, John had already showered and was in the kitchen cooking.

"What's this?" Sherlock asked peering over the smaller boy's shoulder.

"Dessert, go and get ready."

"Why are you making this?"

"Because. Now go." John nudged Sherlock down the hall.

"I don't see the point in-

"Sherlock, it is rude to show up to someone's home without something to offer," John explained as he pushed Sherlock into the bathroom.


"I'm not discussing this with you any further, get ready," John ordered closing the bathroom door silencing any other comments from Sherlock.

John was pacing tidying up the house when Sherlock emerged from his room. He was wearing black slacks with a white button up and a black tie undone around his neck.

"You didn't tell me this was a formal thing." John sighed pushing past Sherlock into his room to change.

"It isn't."

"Then why are you dressed like that?"

"Because this is what my family will expect from me."

"If you show up looking nice with a suit and tie, and I look like this, do you know what they are going to think of me?" John asked pulling his jumper off.

"They aren't going to think anything of it."

"I swear for as much as you evaluate people you don't know anything about them." John huffed throwing on a white undershirt.

"This isn't a big deal."

"Maybe not to you," John muttered pulling on a red button up.

"To everyone. It's just dinner."

"Why?" John asked yanking on a pair of khaki pants

"Why what?"

"Why invite us now, after all this time?"

John looked up at Sherlock expecting an answer.

"They didn't know about you until just recently."

"What do you mean they didn't know about me?"

"I mean I didn't tell them I was moving out until two weeks ago," Sherlock explained leaning against the wall.

"You did what?"

"I didn't-

"I know what you said!" John snapped, "So for the past few weeks when you would leave early, or leave for the night, you did what? Went home?"

Sherlock nodded

John didn't know what he felt, but he was glad Sherlock wasn't out with someone else getting high or committing crimes. He had to admit he noticed Sherlock was home a lot more than usual.

"You are so frustrating sometimes," John said tying the laces on his brow loafers tighter than usual.

"They just want to meet you. That's all."

"No, it isn't just 'That's all." Now I have to lie to them and pretend you haven't been sneaking out to come here and sleep with me."

He paused, blushing hard at the realisation of what he had just said.

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