Chapter 12

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"You want me to do what?" Sherlock asked John through the bathroom door unsure if he had heard the boy correctly.

"I want you to come to this party with me," John repeated pushing his hair up as he spoke.

"No," Sherlock said flatly.

John opened the door, letting out the smell of his soap, a smell that made Sherlock weak in the knees. "Why?"

"You know why."

"Please, Greg invited me and I want you to come."


"Sherlock, come on, you spend all of your time in this flat, you need to get out more, this will be fun."

"What is fun about a party where teenagers getting drunk and acting stupid?"

"You and I being there together watching everyone being stupid and deducing."

"We'll deduce?" Sherlock asked raising his eyebrow. "You aren't just saying that to get me to go?"

"I will deduce with you until I can't talk anymore."

Sherlock nodded once. "Fine. We will go."

Great." John said closing the bathroom door to finish getting ready.

He was anxious. While he knew he had no reason to be, Mycroft's words had stuck with him, and for three days after that, he was still trying to figure out how Sherlock felt.

John left the bathroom to find Sherlock sitting in his chair sitting with his hands pressed together, as though he was praying, with his fingers tucked under his chin. He was wearing a black t-shirt that read 'Let's get wasted' in bold neon green letters. He had on his chucks and a pair of black jeans.

"Nice shirt," John muttered

"I figured it was fitting for what we are about to do."


"Are you ready?" Sherlock asked, standing and grabbing his leather jacket from beside him.

The party was in full swing when they had arrived. They could feel the music before they had even reached the front door. Sherlock had to jump out of the way to miss being hit by a girl running for the bushes.

Sherlock muttered something about a no good light weight and continued inside. They found a relatively quiet area and stood together, watching their classmates and strangers as they got drunk beyond recognition.

"Girl in the front," John said to Sherlock.

"Straight A student looking for a night to be wild so she can do something crazy and use being drunk as an excuse for what she did," Sherlock said only having to speak over the music a bit.

"How do you know she's a straight A student? There's no way you could tell that just by looking at her"

Sherlock laughed "I've known her since the second grade."

"That doesn't count then," John said laughing with him

"It does too. Your turn." Sherlock pointed to a boy with black hair filling a plastic cup with beer from the keg next to him.

John focused. He looked at as many details as possible, just as Sherlock had taught him.

"Hair on his pants by his calf, dog owner. His shirt is wrinkled suggesting he is either dirty, living out of laundry baskets, or unorganised. It can't be dirty because everything he is wearing, from his chain to his shoes are clean. So he's disorganised."

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