Thunderstorms & Ice Cream

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"Wake up, my love." I hear Lauren whisper as she shakes me awake gently. I groan, turning over in between her legs as she straddles me. Rubbing my eyes, my wife lays down on top of me. She nuzzles into my neck, wrapping her arms around me.

"I'm awake, I'm awake." I complain, yawning loudly. I blink my eyes open, seeing Charlotte's figure appear in the doorframe. She giggles airily, running over to us and jumping on top of Lauren.

"Good morning!" Charlotte exclaims, her extra weight causing me to cough and groan once again.

"Why?" I sigh, kissing Lauren's head then difficultly sitting up slightly and kissing the side of Charlotte's face.

"Lauren said that we could get ice cream after lunch!" Charlotte squeals, hugging Lauren tightly while laying on us.

"Fine by me," I rasp, coughing again loudly. "But we can't get ice cream if I'm dead. So please get off because I can't breathe."

Lauren laughs airily, wrapping her arms around Charlotte and rolling off me. I take a deep breath once they are off, sitting up with my legs criss-cross. Charlotte sits beside Lauren in the same manner as I, a grin broad on her face.

"Let's eat breakfast and lunch at the same time so we can get ice cream quickly!" Charlotte explains, lifting herself up on her knees while grabbing my shoulders and gently shaking me.

"No, babe," Lauren laughs softly, ruffling the little girl's hair. "It will be awhile until lunch."

"Dang it." Charlotte pouts, sinking back down and letting go of my shoulders. "Can we eat breakfast though? I'm hungry."

"I'm with you," I flash a smile to Charlotte, earning a grin in return. "Do waffles sound good?"

"Yes!" Lauren shouts, jumping up too quickly then falling off the bed and tumbling onto the ground. Charlotte begins to giggle relentlessly, dropping onto her feet and moseying over to Lauren who is now just laying on the floor.

I laugh softly, sliding off the bed and onto the ground with the rest of my family. Lauren jumps to her feet, along with Charlotte and I. "You make the best waffles, my love." Lauren declares. "C'mon."

She bends over slightly, picking up Charlotte then hoisting me over her shoulder as well. I squeal, gripping onto her pajama shirt tightly. Wrapping my legs around her waist, she holds onto my legs and walks us out of the bedroom.

Lauren makes her way down the stairs, occasionally pretending to drop Charlotte or I. In which she only did once to me, because when she did it, I smacked her back angrily. Once we get to the kitchen, she lets us go. I immediately begin to get everything ready to make waffles.

I suddenly feel a tug on my shirt as I'm cracking eggs into a red bowl. "Can I help?" Charlotte asks while I'm looking down at her.

"Of course, sunshine." I grin, picking the little girl up and placing her on the counter next to my bowl. She peers over into the bowl at the contents of it.

"What can I do?" Charlotte ponders, swing her legs gently.

"You can hold these." I respond, placing an egg into each of her hands. Charlotte stares at the white eggs with wide eyes, her eyes leery. "What is it?"

"Are there baby chickens in these?" Charlotte whispers to me, lifting her eyes, full of alarm, to meet mine. She begins to kiss the shells of the eggs, mumbling incoherent words to them.

I laugh loudly, earning a look from Lauren who is setting the table. "No, Charlotte." I gently move the eggs, which she is now very forcefully kissing, away from her lips. "There isn't any living animals in these."

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