Fairy Tales & Planning

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I silently tip-toe into my daughter's bedroom, flicking her light on and kneeling by her bedside. "Wake up, sunshine." I whisper as I gently shake her.

She lets out small whimpers of protest, curling up into a tighter ball. Her hair has gotten slightly longer, just enough so some more of her light brown curls can fall over her eyes, framing some of the curve of her nose. I giggle quietly, continuing to shake the girl back and forth.

"Charlotte." I murmur, kissing her cheek to try and get her up. She just groans under her breath, burying her head under the sheets while she seemingly disappears from view in the ocean of blankets on her bed.

I scoff, standing back up and rolling my eyes. Lauren and I decided last night that we would leave for camp by nine in the morning, and right now; it's almost ten o'clock. My wife is still sleeping and so is Charlotte. Just peachy.

Leaving Charlotte's room, I meander back into Lauren and I's bedroom. My wife lays on the bed, still asleep. Her figure is soft against the sheets, her face buried in her arms as she snuggles into the pillows. She seems so peaceful. So, of course, I decide to bolt over to her and jump on her torso, straddling her with my leg and tumbling over.

I lay on on the bed, my legs wrapped around Lauren messily, as she begins to groan and awake with a shudder of her body. She rubs the side of her face as she lifts herself up using her forearms.

"Good morning, my beautiful girl." I hum, snatching Lauren's attention as she probably didn't know I was here. She whips her head around to gaze at me with piercing green eyes.

She rubs her eyes, "Good morning, gorgeous." She rasps, her morning voice sending shivers down my spine. Lauren takes one more look at me before plopping back onto the bed.

"No," I drawl, pulling myself back up and throwing my body at Lauren. She grunts as my body hits her's, shoving us both off the bed and onto the carpet. "It's time to start getting ready to go visit Mr. Legend. Remember?"

Realization spreads through my wife's features along with her body. She jumps up, tossing me back to the ground with a thud. She looks down at me sympathetically.

"Sorry, love." Lauren apologizes, bending over and helping me up. I get to my feet with the older girl's help, brushing myself off afterwards. "Is Charlotte awake?"

"Nope." I sigh, rubbing my temples. "I tried, but she sleeps like you."

"Aren't you sweet?" Lauren crinkles her nose at me, sticking her tongue out at my playful insult.

"Like candy." I retort, winking at her. She rolls her eyes, sliding her hand into mine and pulling us out of the bedroom. We make our way back into Charlotte's room, both kneeling beside her bed. The younger girl still sleeps peacefully, curled in the same ball that she was in when I left.

"Charlotte," I try again, gently nudging my daughter. "You need to wa—"

"Let me try." Lauren stops me, placing a soft hand on my shoulder. I bite my bottom lip, nodding once to signal her to go. "Charlotte," Lauren coos, keeping her voice low. "Camila is making waffles."

And like magic, the little girl stirs. "Waffles?" She mumbles in a tiny sleep voice, rubbing her eyes while furrowing her eyebrows. She pushes herself up onto her arms, blinking her eyes open. Her green eyes, still glossy with sleep, land on me, narrowing with confusion. "Who's making waffles?"

"No one," I admit, causing the young girl to pout and for her figure to deflate. "But we are going on a small trip, remember?"

Charlotte's features light up. She squeals, throwing her blankets off then immediately yanking them back on, shivering under their warmth. "It's freezing in here, Mama, Mom." Charlotte's eyes widen with realization.

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