Discussions In The Closet

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Camila's POV:

I turn into our driveway, turning off the car and stepping out into the early night, feeling the warm air of late April kiss my skin. After dinner with Ally and Dinah, we stopped at the store so Ally could grab some milk then I came home immediately. What can I say? I missed my girls too much.

Fishing my keys from my pocket, I jam them into the door, unlocking it with a click and walking into my home. I walk in silently, closing the door without a sound and hanging up my jacket on the coat rack. After slipping my shoes off, I wander into the kitchen to see Charlotte and Lauren making dinner.

"Hello, sunshines." I greet them, wrapping an arm around Lauren's waist and kissing her cheek as I press my body against her back.

"Camila!" Charlotte beams, hopping off the counter and rounding about Lauren. I take a step back from my wife, earning a whimper from the older girl to which I cast her a cocked eyebrow. "You're back!"

"Where else would I be?" I ask as the little girl wraps her arms around my waist, squeezing me so tightly, I'm afraid I might pop.

"I kept telling her, but she wouldn't believe me." Lauren sighs, tossing a towel over her shoulder and blowing a strand of her hair away from her face. God, she makes me want to kiss her during the most random moments.

I chuckle under my breath, shrinking down to my knees to meet Charlotte's height. "You have to believe Lauren, okay?" I gently tap Charlotte's nose, causing her to giggle airily. "I know she may seem like she's lost her marbles, but I promise she hasn't—well, at least, not all of them. Alright, love?"

"But I've never seen Lauren with marbles." Charlotte says, confused. Her eyebrows furrow as she tries to figure out why Lauren has never had any tiny, glass balls.

"Me neither." I agree, earning a scoff from my wife. I roll my eyes as I stand back up to my normal height, wrapping an arm around Lauren's neck and pulling her close. "C'mere." I coo, planting a quick kiss on Lauren's lips. She doesn't seem as fazed by it as I'd think—I mean, we are around Charlotte and she was all worried about that earlier. I guess things change.

"I love you." Lauren sighs, nudging my temple with her nose before going back to cooking dinner. I know she feels my gaze linger on her as Charlotte begins to tug on my sleeve.

"Guess what we're having for dinner." Charlotte urges, bouncing up and down excitedly.

I take a deep breath, pretending to think about what it is. "I don't know," I huff, finally throwing in the pretend towel. "What is it?"

"Pizza!" She exclaims, gesturing to Lauren placing pepperonis on pizza crust covered in sauce. "I put the cheese on." She tells me proudly, planting her fists on her hips.

"Hey!" I beam, bending down to meet her height again. "That's what I had with Dinah and Ally!"

"Really?" Charlotte inquires, her eyes shining. She then presses her nose against my forehead, letting herself linger with her eyes closed in bliss before skipping away happily.

I watch the spot where she disappeared for a few seconds, smiling faintly. "Can I speak with you?" Lauren asks suddenly from behind me, placing a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"Of course." I answer immediately, turning around to meet my wife's eyes. "About?"

"You'll see." Lauren mumbles, grabbing my wrist with care, abandoning the pizzas as we walk into the living room. "Charlotte, Camila and I are going to be speaking for a bit. Alright?" She calls up to the younger girl.

"Alright!" Charlotte's voice yells back, muffled by the space between us.

Lauren then drags me to the downstairs closet door, opening it and yanking us inside. She shuts the door, pressing her back against the wall as she pulls the string to turn on the lightbulb.

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