Phone Calls

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Charlotte stirs in my arms, blinking her eyes open and yawning widely. We are still laying against the wall in her bedroom, her warm body curled up against my chest. She rubs her tired eyes, sitting up in my lap.

"Good morning, Lauren." She says to me, even though it is almost dinner, immediately looking around the room. "Is Camila back?"

"Nope." I sigh, shrugging. "But she should be back soon."

Charlotte seems nervous, hugging herself while her eyes peer around. I place my hand gently on her shoulder, drawing her eyes to me and meeting her uneasy gaze. "You okay?"

"Maybe." Charlotte shrugs, unsure. "I don't know. I have this weird feeling in my chest; like evil bubbles threatening to over spill. Is that normal?"

"Possibly?" I say, my response coming out more like a question than an answer. "Do you feel sick?"

"No," Charlotte shakes her head, blinking her large eyes. Her arms tighten around herself in an effort to comfort her nerves, a few light brown curls draping over her eyes. "I just miss Camila."

"I miss her, too." I assure her, rubbing her shoulder gently. Charlotte looks at the floor, her eyes troubled and swirling darker than normal.

"She will be home soon?" Charlotte wonders, raising her eyes from the ground. I take her hand in mine, nodding once reassuringly.

"Yes." I reply again, my gaze sincere. She breaks our eye contact, picking up a wooden block from beside her still towering castle.

"Can you call her?" Charlotte mumbles, embarrassed. Her green eyes don't leave the block she is twirling around in her fingers. I smile sadly at the younger girl, standing up.

"Of course."

I can understand why she is so worried about Camila. She has had her parents taken away from her before, and she doesn't want it to happen again. I wish I could make her believe me when I say that we aren't going anywhere.

I make my way down the stairs, entering the living room and picking my phone up from the couch. I unlock the device, opening the contact app and pressing on 'Owner Of My Heart'—Camila's contact name. I bring the phone to my ear as it rings.

"C'mon!" Is the first word I hear when the static breaks, flooding my ear drums with Camila's amazing voice. "Now Dinah is mad with me."

"Why?" I ask, leaning against the kitchen wall as I talk to my wife.

"She was betting Ally that you wouldn't call tonight." Camila explains, the sounds of our bickering friends' voices in the background.

"Thanks for the ten dollars, Dinah!" I hear Ally brag from near Camila. My wife giggles, making a smile tug on the corners of my lips.

"Anyway," Camila redirects, taking a cheerful deep breath. "Why are you calling?"

"Oh, just Charlotte wanted to speak with you." I tell her. "She was worried about where you've gone. I told you were fine but she is persistent."

"Ha!" Dinah's voice rings suddenly. "It wasn't Lauren calling, it was Charlotte. Now gimme my money back, Allyson!"

I laugh to myself at my friends, shaking my head as Camila continues. "Aww, my poor sunshine. I'll talk to her." As Camila speaks, I trek up the stairs, walking back into Charlotte's room.

The second the younger girl sees me, she jumps to her feet and rushes over. "Is it Camila?" She asks, her voice hopeful. I nod, earning a squeal from Charlotte. I chuckle softly, taking the phone away from my ear and placing it on Charlotte's.

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