The Noises Of Rain

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I slowly twirl around the strand of Lauren's hair around my finger, gently letting it loose and picking up another loose piece of dark locks. My family and I lay on the ground in a heap. I lay on my back, my fingers playing with my wife's hair and twirling the strands around. Lauren rests on her stomach, her arms under my back with her hands sticking out the other side where a book is clasped tightly. Her head lays on my stomach as she reads her story. Charlotte is sleeping on Lauren's back, the younger girl's stomach on my wife's back and her arms wrapped around Lauren's sides.

I love my family so much.

Suddenly, interrupting our comfortable, still silence, the doorbell rings. I know immediately who it is; it's Dinah, Normani, and their kids. Who else would come visit us? My mom? Lauren's mom and dad? Never.

"It's open!" I yell out, causing Charlotte to grumble a little bit in her sleep before dozing off again. Lauren looks up from her book, just in time to see five people enter our door.

"Hello, my favorite group of gays—" Dinah greets us, her voice cheery as the rest of her family crowd our doorway. She then spots Charlotte and grins. "—and their child."

"Is that Dinah?" Lauren groans playfully, scowling in Dinah's direction just to tease the girl.

"Okay," Normani's voice sounds from above me, looking down while smiling at me. "Y'all are really close. Literally."

Lauren laughs softly, closing her book and carefully lifting Charlotte off her back. She cradles the little girl, waking her up slowly. I get to my feet, brushing myself off and picking up Lauren's book.

"Welcome!" I chuckle, setting the book on the couch before going over to hug my friends. Dinah envelopes me in a hug, squeezing me tightly in her strong arms.

"How's my Chancho been?" She coos, ruffling my hair playfully.

"Great until you showed up." I grumble, faking anger. I'm ecstatic my friends and their family came over. I missed them a lot. I had grown close to them being around, especially during our high school and even college lives, but then we all had to split apart. Luckily, not very far though.

"Aww, you know you love us." Normani chuckles softly, letting go of Lauren and coming over to hug me. Their two older kids, Alyssa and Beckett, stand awkwardly by Dinah as Normani hugs me, Opal on her side.

Charlotte lingers by the couch, her fingers tracing circles in the material. I spot her, beckoning her over with my hands. She seems hesitant at first, but eventually moseys over and grabs my hand.

"Are you Charlotte?" Normani asks, shrinking to her knees to greet the younger girl.

"Yes." Charlotte replies, her voice small.

"Oh my god!" Dinah shouts, grinning and joining her wife. "She's so cute!"

Charlotte laughs softly, her cheeks turning red. Alyssa and Beckett walk over to us, each waving to Charlotte slowly. My daughter rubs her eyes while yawning, leaning against my side. Lauren joins us, appearing at my side.

"Hi, I'm Alyssa." Alyssa addresses herself, smiling cheekily. "What's your name?"

"Charlotte." She responds, extending her hand for Alyssa to shake. When Alyssa doesn't take her hand, Charlotte frowns. "You're supposed to shake it."

"What?" Alyssa asks, furrowing her eyebrows. She then spots the hand and smiles. They shake, exchanging shy smiles. Beckett joins them, waving in his own awkward way then bowing out.

"I like your shirt." Charlotte mumbles to Alyssa, placing her hands behind her back, embarrassed.

Alyssa's face lights up, her blue eyes glowing. "Thank you!" She gushes, looking down bashfully. "I like your eyes."

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