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"Ethan this is all your fault." Grayson says, slamming the drivers side door. I was sitting in the passenger side and Ethan was sitting in the back seat.

"You need to be more responsible you're just ruining everything." Grayson continued yelling at Ethan.

Ethan rolled his eyes. "Ok dad."

"I swear to-"

"Okay enough!" I cut Grayson off. "This is supposed to be a fun vacation and a get away from all of the sad thing and stress, and you two are just bringing it with us. I can't do it."

Grayson's face softened and he reached his hand over on top of mine, but I moved mine away.

"Let's just get Hannah." I said quietly, putting my seatbelt on.

Grayson sighed and put the car in drive. He looked at me one more time before he started driving.

We picked up Hannah and she didn't say a word when she got in the car, noticing the tension.

We drove for a while and everyone's stomachs started growling, well except mine. I was upset with Grayson and I just didn't have an appetite.

We stopped at mcdonalds for something quick to eat. Everyone got out and Ethan and Hannah started walking inside. I followed behind them but Grayson grabbed my wrist, stopping me.

I looked at him and his face was full of sadness. "Do you hate me?"

", never."

"I just thought-"

"You thought wrong. I'm sorry I snapped, I just need to get away from the feeling I always have. The horrible pain in my chest that I feel anytime I thing of something that hurts me. I didn't want you guys fighting."

He pulled me close to him and rested his hands on my waist. "hate that you feel that way."

I wrapped my arms around his torso, resting my head on his chest. "Me too."

After standing like that for a while,  I tilted my head up, kissing him. We pulled away and I looked at the entrance to McDonald's. "We should go."

He nodded and we walked hand in hand into Mcdonalds. I could tell Ethan and Hannah were having a lot of fun with each other, which made me happy.

I followed Grayson as he went to order food. "What do you want babe?"

"Oh, I'm not hungry."

"But You haven't eaten all day."

"I know, I'm fine."

He turned toward me and looked into my eyes.Ugh his eyes, so mesmerizing.

"Babe, please eat something." He pleaded

I was too lost in his eyes and how cute he is that I didn't even realize that I nodded my head, agreeing to eat. He smiled at me and turned toward the lady to was at the register.

I barely ate my food. He watched me the whole time, frowning. I think he knew something was up with me. He probably didn't know how to bring it up.


After a while of driving we finally made it. We were in Gulf Shores. I smiled as I stared out the window at the beauty of it. I already loved this place so much.

When we got to our hotel we checked in, getting the keys to our rooms. Me and Grayson had a room to ourselves and Ethan and Hannah were sharing a room. Their room had two beds in it though, so they wouldn't be forced to sleep together. Not that they would complain if they had to.

It was really late so we all decided to just get rested up for what we're going to do tomorrow. I went straight for the bed, not even bothering to take my shoes off. I was exhausted, mentally and physically. Grayson set everything down, turned out the lights, and came to lay next to me.

He wrapped me in his warm embrace, kissing my head lightly. Before closing my eyes I leaned up, kissing his cheek. "Sleep well, Gray."

"You too."

Within a couple minutes both of us had passed out and the stress of the day was relieved.

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