"It's ARMY, sis. ARMY." Liz said
Right! Wherever ARMY goes is definitely where BTS is!
It was evening when I checked my phone for status updates of ARMY groups here in Korea.
"Let's see.... Concert here, concert there, aigoo its full of concerts everywhere." I said as I read the tweets."Then let's go to their concert!" Liz exclaimed. She was munching on a bag of chips while lying beside me in our bed.
"Yah! Elizabeth Chang. I told you not to eat while in bed! Get out of here." I said as I pushed her off to the side using my legs so she'll roll off the bed and-
Boom. *sound of something big dropping to the floor, yes it is Liz*
Liz glared at me and pouted.
" Che, stop calling me by my full name. You sound like my mother."She sat on the floor across the edge of the bed continuing to eat her chips that she doesn't even bother to share with me. Selfish friend (ㅡ,ㅡ)
" As I was saying, let's go to their concerts!" Liz said. Immediately gaining energy after I pushed her off the bed.
"We can't. Do you even know how much their tickets costs?" I said as I showed her a website that contains BTS ticket prices.
" let's see... *searches money converter online* korean won convert into dollars then.... ther-*curses* OH MY GOSH FOR ONLY ONE TICKET?" Liz said, eyes wide in disbelief.
"There you have it..." *shots her a look that says: I told you so*
I laughed as she is still in a state of disbelief.I continue to search for events for the coming days til I have actually found one that pays a cheaper price to meet BTS.
I trembled as finally, I will be able to see him. Face to face. What should I tell him?
Liz noticed the sudden change in my expression, she quickly joined me in our bed and peeked at my phone."There! A fan meet tomorrow! You'll be able to see him up close! You need to go!" Liz said while shaking me as if waking me up.
That's when I finally said it.
"I-I'm meeting him t-tomorrow..."-------
*Day of the Fan Meet*" I don't feel good with this" I said to Liz while we were outside the house. She forced me to wear my white long sleeved blouse with a pink skater skirt she owned. I was pulling the skirt down since it doesn't even reach my knees. Short skirts like this make me sick, now I have to pay attention to how I sit.
Liz slapped my hands from repeatedly pulling the skirt down . Then she cupped my face.
"Listen, you are so beautiful in that and dont you dare go out with sweatpants again. You need to stand out. Think positive! At least you get to wear your rubber shoes in that outfit." She said as she pinched my cheeks. "Ahhh, so cute." She added.She handed me my white backpack which Liz said completed the look. I waved goodbye to her.
"I'll be back later!" I said to her."Take care!... And don't forget to bring home some food!" She said as I took off.
I waited for a bus to go to the event's location. It was not too long til a bus came and stopped to let me in.
Well, here we go.
*on the BTS fan meet location*
I'll kill you Liz, Aishh.
I just got off the bus and guess what?
Should've sneaked out the house when Liz was still asleep.
Should've sneaked out wearing pants ㅠ.ㅠIt wasn't the season for snow but today its windy and its cold. Why so suddenly of all days?
Its just the cold chills.. I can do this. Nothing is stopping me. I can do this, Ahyoungie fighting!
There was already a long line in the venue's entrance so I immediately ran up to the last person so I'll be able to be one of those who are lucky to meet them.
"Uhm excuse me.." I shyly poked the person who's infront of me.
She turned to me and flashed a kind smile. Oooohh she's pretty.
"Are these people outside the venue already have their tickets for the event?" I asked her.
She smiled
"Ahh no, they won't be going inside. They just wait for the boys to arrive and leave. Not all can afford this chance to meet them." She saidYeah. Its a cheaper than a concert but still, the entrance fee for this fan meeting is kind of...
"Uhm, Unnie are you a model? You're so tall and pretty." She asked
" Haha *laughs 'cause she doesn't know how to respond to compliments*
T-thanks."Among the almost a hundred people in front of me there were like ten more people behind me. Then suddenly staffs in the venue placed a small signboard just right behind me.
"Okay, the ones allowed for the fan meeting will only be up to here." The staff said and the line started to move because the people are now allowed to sit in the chairs provided while waiting for their turn to meet the boys.
I let out a deep sigh, I was almost that close to be cut off for the allowed number of fans inside. But I'll be the last one to meet them, so much pressure... (>___<)
Just then, their hit single Run started to play in the venue area. The fans let out a scream when the two youngest members V and Jungkook scrambled to the stage.
"Aigoo, there they go running. Ya! We should all come out together!" J-hope says as all the remaining members started to come out.
"These kids just do what they want." a deep voiced guy said.
He looked at the people and showed his gummy smile as he spoke. His mint green hair made him look more whiter.We meet again, Min Yoongi.
Thoughts? :)
Soo excited for the next chapter, are they going to be meeting each other? Can't wait. I'll update asap <3-Eys

Finding You || BTS Fanfic
Fanfiction(ONGOING) Still bothered by the past, Lee Ahyoung finds herself in search of her childhood friend Min Yoongi who was now part of the famous kpop group BTS. How many sacrifices is she willing to make? Will he be able to recognize her? Join Ahyoung as...