5: Plan B

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"Eh? What the hell was that?" Liz exclaimed as she was munching on some doughnuts I bought on the way home.

I have told her everything that happened in the fan meeting. The words Yoongi said had been repeating over and over again in my mind.

I wish we'd see each other again...

"Did he recognized you? I mean, Jin, Jungkook and Jimin also said that they want to see you again! Who knows if they say it to every fan they meet?" Liz added in a bit annoyed tone.

"Well, I guess so... But why does he have to say it while whispering to me? Perhaps he recognized me but doesn't want to make it seem so obvious he wants to see me again. Does that mean he wants to talk to me privately?" I asked.

"Well did you say that you were his childhood friend?" Liz asked.

Well, come to think of it...

"Nope, I didn't" I said

Liz frowned at me.

"What?" I said.

"Do you think you're the only person who's named Ahyoung in the world?" She said.

Perhaps, the only Ahyoung he knows...

" Aishhh... What can I do? It was like ten years that I haven't seen him and zaaap! He's suddenly there infront of me." I said as I hugged my knees.

"This can't be, you need to talk to him again." Liz said.

"If only I had more money, I'll go to all of their events ㅠ.ㅠ" I said.

"Maybe we could find something that doesn't need that much money." Liz said as she was opening her laptop.

"Anything. Just so I could talk to him once again."


"HUHH? YOU WANT ME TO JOIN THERE?" I said to Liz as she showed me an announcement at Bighit Entertainment's website.

BIGHIT ENT. is now searching for talented young males. This is your chance to be an idol and be part of a Kpop group! Join now!

"This is exactly what you need! If you joined you'll actually see him there." Liz said.

"It clearly says that they need boys. I don't fit the requirements!" I said to her.

"Then disguise yourself! You don't need to win, you just need to enter the company and find a chance where you could talk to him privately." She explained.

Well she's got a point. I just need to find Yoongi and talk to him. I'll pretend to be going to audition so I could walk in freely at their company.

"When's that audition going to be held?" I asked Liz who was reading the announcement.

"Let's see... Oh, here it is.. Hmm It's about a week from now." She said.

"Okay, I'm in." I said.

"It also says that participants should prepare at least 1 dance number and 1 song or rap performance.." Liz said while scrolling the company's website.


Ooohhh. Thoughts?
Just watched House of Army and it was hilarious. Lol

What country are you from? x


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