How would you feel

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The stick laying on the counter, Lando and I sitting on the edge of the bathtub. Always the same picture as we were waiting for the results to show up. Waiting was the hardest thing. You never knew if the news that you were going to get are going to be good or bad. In our case positive or negative.

A few minutes later we heard the tone that signaled that the test was ready, echoing through the bathroom. I stood up my eyes closed as I picked up the stick. I slowly, carefully opened my eyes not believing what I was seeing.

Positive. The pregnancy test was positive. I happy squeal left my mouth and tears of happiness were rolling down my cheeks.
"Oh my god Katy?" He said in an asking voice that was happy though, wanting to know if his thoughts were the same as the results. I nodded quickly as he stood up and embraced me into his loving hug.

He was crying too as he sobbed into my shoulder how happy he was.
"I'm so happy too" I returned almost incomprehensible as I cried into Lando's chest. Lando bent, down lifting lifting up my shirt and carefully kissed my belly.
"Hello little one in there. I'm so happy to have you. I love you so much and I am so happy to see you soon." He said tickling the skin of my toned stomach with his lips. You couldn't see I was pregnant yet but I think that would change in the next few weeks.

I couldn't believe there was a real little human in my belly. Lando put his hands onto my upper thighs from behind and lifted me up, so my legs were dangling from both sides of his torso. I lent down and my lips met his. He caressed my tongue with his as we deepened the kiss. He showed me so much love, happiness and passion just in one kiss. My hand laying behind his neck as I lightly tugged his hair.
"I love you so much." I whispered into the kiss.
"I love you too." He returned pulling away from the kiss after he pecked my lips for a few more times.

He let me down and we walked down the stairs. Our faces still wet and sticky from crying as we sat down, me sitting on Landos lap as my head rested on his shoulder. I sighed happily and laid a gentle kiss onto the skin of his neck.
"Are you excited?" Lando asked me and rubbed my back.
"Yeah. And scared." I said " I mean I've never been a mother. I don't know if I'm good at being a mommy."
"Oh believe me you are. I see how you treat nugget and cheeto. It's like they are your children I can't even imagine how nice your going to be with our baby." He said and kissed my nose.

We talked about our future as parents and how our baby would look like.
"What about we'll make a doctor appointment so we can know if the baby is healthy and we'll get to know how far along I am." I said and looked up to Lando while my head was still resting on his shoulder.
"Yeah I mean we have nothing planned so far and I'd be happy how the baby is doing." Lando replied so we made an appointment with my doctor that said he'd be free at 3pm.

"It's 2pm now so we better get ready" I suggest. "I'll take a shower first. Will you join me?"
"Of course." Lando smirked and stood up while he held my bum so he could carry me upstairs. When we reached the bathroom and closed the door behind us, Lando was unbuttoning my pajama shirt and sliding down my pants while I took of his shirt and his boxers since he was just sleeping in clothes like that. I slid down my withe cotton panties and together we got into the shower.

Warm water running down our bodies while we were making out like teenager yet with so much passion and love. My heart beating faster every time Lando whispered 'I love you' into the gentle kisses he offered me and my body tingled when I returned those three most important words to the person that's most important in my life.

Lando stepped out of the shower first grabbing a white towel wrapping it around my naked body, to protect a part of it from the icy air that hit me when i stepped out if the shower. He wrapped a towel around his waist too as I was already walking into the direction of the closet to pick some clothes out. Lando joined me a few moments after to get some for himself too. We decided not to dress up so paparazzi wouldn't notice us that easily.

We got into the car and Lando began to drive.
"Are you nervous?" He asked me when he put his hand on my leg that was slightly bouncing.
"A little bit. I mean that's my first time being a mommy." I returned smiling at him.
"Don't be everything is going to be fine." He said trying to calm me down but to be honest that didn't even work a bit. The rest of the drive was pretty silent the only sound coming from the radio that was playing an for me unrecognizable song.

After a few minutes we finally arrived, my heart pounding as fast as ever. I was scared the baby didn't do well or something is wrong with it. Hand and hand we entered and walked straightly to the reception desk, our heads facing the ground, so no one would recognize us.

"Hello. How can I help you two?" A brunette woman with cat eye glasses asked us.
"Um we have an appointment with Dr Lee." I said nervous, fiddling with the sleeve of my black sweater.
"What is your name please?" She asked me kindly.
"Katheryn Hudson." I returned.
"Oh I see. So you can go right into room 4. The Doctor will be there for you in a few minutes." She said and pointing at the door with a four on it.
"Okay thank you really much." I said before Lando and I walked into the direction of the door and walked into the room.

After a few moments the door opened and a woman with shoulder length hair approached the room.
"Hello I'm Dr Lee." She said and shook my hand and then Landos and mentioned us to sit down onto the two chairs that were standing in front of a big desk.
"So you're here to check on your baby. Did you find out through a pregnancy test?" She asked me looking trough her big black glasses.
"Yes we did." I returned.
"Okay then please lay down here and lift up your pullover." She said and I did as she said.

"This will be a bit cold." She told me while I nodded and reached for Lando's hand that I squeezed tightly. She put the cold jelly onto my bare tummy and went over it with a stick kind thing. I looked at the monitor but didn't see something but I think that is normal because I'm probably not really far along so my little baby is really tiny.

The Dr made a confused face yet she didn't say anything, she just took a tissue and wiped off the jelly, told us the sit down again, she sat down behind the desk and  crossed her fingers.

"Is something wrong?" Lando asked worriedly.
"Well I'm really sorry but there is no baby in your stomach." She said with an apologizing voice.

I'm sorry for this bad chapter and I'm sorry that I didn't update in so long. Well maybe you like it anyway. If you did please vote and comment and if you want answer me this questions:

What are your favorite movies(except for Katy's)?
(Mine are the Rebound, the notebook, Tammy,and the boy in the striped pajamas is really good but really sad)

What are your favorite songs atm(except for Katy's)?
(Mine are Waterfall by sia&p!nk, helium by sia , emoji if a wave 🌊 by john mayer, Wenn du liebst(german song) by clueso)

What are your favorite series?
(Mine are pretty little lairs (I'm at season 6 episode 14) and the nanny(I watched this one 7 times already it's soooo good I love it)).

Okay bye guys love ya💕

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