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I woke up in the middle of the night because I felt Katy was moving a lot. When I opened my eyes I saw that Katy was facing me yet her eyes were closed.
"Katy?" I whispered and she immediately opened her eyes.
"Is something wrong?" I asked her quietly.
"No I'm fine my back is just hurting a bit." She said slightly smiling while she ran her hand trough my hair.
"I know what'll make it better." I said, quickly stood up and walked into the bathroom. I opened the mirror cabinet over the sink and searched for some lotion to use. Quickly I found some, closed the cabinet and walked back into the bedroom where Katy was laying on the bed, smiling at me.

I carefully lifted her pajama shirt over her head and took it off, her bare upper body being exposed to me. I told her to lay down on her belly so I had access to reach her back. Then I rubbed some lotion into my hands like I always do to warm the cool lotion up.

"Is that making you feel better." I asked as I massaged her smooth, soft back.
"Yeah" she slightly moaned into the pillow. I kept massaging her, hoping the pain would go away. After I while I felt her stiffened muscles relax and I put her shirt back on. She turned around so she was laying on her back and she smiled at me.
"I love you." She whispered and pecked my lips.
"I love you too." I returned. She turned around to look at the clock.
"It's 4am we should really sleep now." She giggled and pulled the blanket over bodies.

"When are we going to tell our family that we're back together?" I asked her because I really want to know. I mean I don't like to hide my relationship with her.
"What about today?" She asked "we could do something like a family barbecue."
"Yeah that's a good idea." I returned laid back again, Katy immediately cuddling into my chest.

Next day

Katy's P.o.v
I woke up in the arms of Lando happy to be there. Suddenly I felt that my whole cheek was wet and as I looked at Landos shirt where my head rested on his shoulder I saw a little puddle of drool. Ew. I'm disgusting. Just then Lando was waking up and caught me staring at the drool stain. He lifted up his shirt to see what I was looking at.

"I'm sorry." I said while I blushed and embarrassedly hid my face with my hands. He pulled he back to his chest and kissed my now short hair.
"I love you." He chuckled.
"I love you too but I'm sorry anyway." I said shyly.
"It's okay. I drooled onto you one time but I didn't told you and I don't think you noticed it." He admitted.
"Well then we're quit." I giggled and bent up to kiss his soft yet dry lips since it was still early in the morning.

After like 30 minutes of cuddling and kissing we decided to stand up and start the day. Lando was now standing in the kitchen cutting some strawberries and bananas to make a smoothie while I was getting some juices out of the fridge. I put the juice into the mixer, then wrapped my arms around Landos torso, rested my head on his strong warm back and occasionally laid a few kisses there.

"I'm so happy I have you back." I mumbled into his shoulder.
"I'm so happy I have you back." He said as he turned around and his lips found mine. It felt like his tongue was caressing mine as he deepened the kiss, making me melt right there in his arms. When we pulled away I cutely kissed his nose while our lips where swollen from our make out.

Lando put the fruit into the mixer too and after a minute our smoothie was ready. We went outside and laid down onto the garden lounge, my head resting on Landos chest as we were sipping our smoothies.

"You know Flynn misses you really much" Lando suddenly said when his cup was empty.
"I miss him too." I whispered and looked into Landos eyes.
"Why don't we invite him to our little barbecue.?"
"Of course today would be daddy day anyways I have to pick him up at 2pm. You know he didn't speak with me a whole week when I told him we would take a break. The only thing he said was 'I hate you'." Lando returned.
"Awe that's cute... but I'm sorry for you." I giggled.
"He'll love me again if he sees you later." He chuckled and kissed my cheek.

After we stayed like that outside we began to prepare our barbecue and called all our close relatives. We didn't told them that we were back together again but I think they'll be happy for us. I mean my mom began to cry a little when I told her that we're taking a break . I think Lando is her favorite boyfriend of mine. Well he's my favorite too. Lando was getting some steaks out of the basement since our big freezer was there and I was cutting some vegetables to make some salad.

Lando wrapped his strong arms around my waist from behind and kissing my neck. I would lie if I wasn't enjoying this but it really wasn't the right timing my family would be there every minute now yet I closed my eyes in pleasure as he began kissing the spot behind my ear.
"Lando my parents will be here soon." I whispered trying to pish him away.
"I know." He mumbled into my neck biting the skin there lightly and laying one last kiss there before he pulled away.
"Do I have a hickey now?" I asked worriedly covering the skin of my neck with my hand. He came closer and examined my neck.
"No." He whispered and pecked my lips.

The kiss began to grow more passionate as the doorbell rang.
"They're here." I whispered quickly after I pulled away and went to open the door. Lando stood beside me as I greeted my parents and my sister with a simple 'hello' while there mouth dropped open when the saw Lando.

"Hey Katy." My mother said and pulled me into a hug."and hey Lando!" She said and pulled him into a hug too."I missed you so so much." She added. I hugged my father and my sister too and they were all happy me and Lando were back together.

Lando then went to get Flynn and I was really excited to see him again.
I was sitting on our garden table with my mom, my sister and Stella that was sitting on Angela lap.
"So you guys are back together again?" Angela asked me curiously.
"Yeah we are." I said shyly, blushing as I was speaking.
"You look so happy Katy. I'm glad you decided to get it on a second time." My mom said, smiling at me.

Then suddenly I felt someone hugging me from behind.
"I missed you so much Katy." Someone sobbed and I immediately knew who it was. Flynn.
I quickly turned around and scooped him up in my arms and kissing his cheek, feeling the it was wet and salty from his tears.
"I missed you so much too my little baby." I whispered hugging him hard while my eyes filled with tears too.

"Don't leave me again." He whispered as I sat him down and knelt down in front of him.
"I won't. I promise I won't." I said and saw that my family and Lando was looking at us in awe.

The day went on perfectly fine. Everybody was happy and the food was great. We talked a lot about the wedding that didn't happen but we decided we should plan it for June so it's nice and warm. Lando brought Flynn home after I promised him I won't "leave" him again.

My head was resting on Lando's bare chest as we talked about things we did without each other.
"So when was the last time you got intimate with someone." Lando asked me suddenly.
"Um..well the last time was with you." I said lifting my head to look up into his eyes.
"Oh that's nice to hear because mine was back then too." He said relieved.
"Really?" I asked.
"Really?"he answered "so do you still want to have kids with me?"
"I'd love to" I whispered and got closer to him so my lips were just inches away from mine.
"Well then I'm looking forward to be making some baby's tonight." He whispered making me giggled but my giggles quickly got muted by his lips on mine.


Sorry for this crappy chapter and for the long wait. I had some "problems "
In school but it's all good now.
Hope you liked it anyway. If you did please vote and comment as many as you want (you know I love to read many comments).
Okay buy guys love you.

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