A thousand years

412 23 15

"Wake up Katy it's your big day." I heard Shannon saying quietly to wake me up.
"What time is it?" I mumbled into Lando's withe pillow that I slept on since he wasn't here but it smelled like him so it felt like a little part of him was laying next to me.
"It's 8 pm." She said and pulled the blanket of my body. I slowly sat up in the bed and then stood up, walked into the bathroom and had my daily morning routine. I looked into the mirrow and saw that my eyes looked kinda different today. They were brighter than usually and they were sparkling just a little more that yesterday. I can't believe I'm going to marry my dream prince today.

When I got downstairs Shannon and Angela were already waiting for me.
"Morning Angela." I said and pulled her into a long, tight hug.
"You ready for your big day?" She asked me excitedly after she pulled out of the hug.
"I was never more ready." I said with a big smile plastered on my face.

We quickly got into the car and drove to Johnny and Todd who were gonna get me ready. Ed Sheeran's new songs blasting trough the speaker of Angelas car putting everyone in a good mood. No that I wasn't in a good mood but I was so excited and that was kinda scary. When we arrived Johnny and Bradford were already waiting for us.

"Hey girl." Johnny said and pulled me into a big hug and after that Todd did the same with me. I sat down onto the stylist chair and Todd immediately began to do his work on my face. We already discussed how my make up should look like. I wanted a pretty natural beachy look since the wedding was going to be at the beach. In that moment I thought about Lando. He was probably very excited right now too but it'll worth it in the end.

After a few minutes Sarah arrived with Markus and Mia since we were all getting ready in the same place. They greeted me and then went upstairs to put on their clothes for the wedding. Todd finished my make up after about 30 minutes when my parents arrived to see me.

"Awe Katybird you look gorgeous." My mom squealed and kissed my cheek while tears were already starting to form in her eyes.
"You really look beautiful Kate." My dad said and kissed my forehead.
"Thank you." I said, looking at my feet while my face was becoming red.
"Come on Katy we'll get you into your dress." Angela the said.

I walked upstairs with Shannon and Angela, getting into the changing room where my dress was in. When we entered the room it laid on a big chair in a clothing bag. They got it out and I started to undress myself until I was standing there just in my withe cotton panties. The good thing was that I didn't have to feel embarrassed since Angela and Shanny have already seen me naked. I stepped into the dress and they lifted it up to my chest where I held it too so it couldn't slip down. Angela tied up the corset thingy from behind and Shannon mad sure the underskirt was in the right place.

After that they told me to sit down since both of them were going to do my hair (she has black long hair again) Angela curled my hair while Shannon went downstairs again to get the curling iron.
"Are you scared?" Angela asked me after nobody said something in a long time .
"No but I'm excited and kinda nervous." I returned taking a deep breath.
"Believe me you absolutely have no reason to be nervous. Lando loves you so much." Angela said confidently.
"I know." I sighed as Shannon entered the room with my parents by her side.
"Oh feather you look amazing in that dress." She sobbed, while tears were already making their way down her cheek.
"Mom please don't cry." I said tearing up too.
"I'm sorry today is gonna be a very emotional day." She said slightly giggling.

They finished my hair about 30 minutes and then I was finally ready for my big day. I was really, really happy with the way I looked. We drove to the wedding location in a normal car since I didn't want to get any more nervous. The other guests and Lando were already there waiting for me. But today I wasn't to late today I was perfectly on time. When we arrived at the beach I could already see all the chairs, decorated with purple and rose colored flowers but the only thing I could concentrate on was Lando. He was standing in the chapel in front of all the chairs where all of our relatives were already sitting. I noticed he was pretty nervous since he was fiddling with his fingers behind his back and his chest was moving up and down quit heavily a few times.

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