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As I walk into my office I try my best to avoid Dylan which sucks cause were supposed to be best friends and he had to go and kiss me. I walk over to my desk and sit down, today we have a meeting for the next photo-shoot and-of fuck I just remembered Dylan and I are partners, how can I avoid him if we're doing a photo-shoot together. I'll just have to not volunteer which really sucks because I need this, I've only had one photo-shoot in the 2, nearly 3 months I've worked here.
"Meeting in 5 minutes people" the bosses assistant runs through. I pick up my pen and note pad and go into the meeting room and take a seat. I watch as people come in, my stomach sinking as I wait for Dylan to come in. Once Dylan comes in, he gives me one look and sits on the other side of me and I let out a sigh.
"Alright everyone, we have a big client today. Cover Girl magazine is looking for nothing but the best out of us. So...who would like to volunteer?" she asks and I keep my hand down but Dylan shoots his hand up. Thankfully her eyes fall on Sandra and she announces her for the job. Although that would have been a great job, I can't work with Dylan, it's way too awkward.  I sit back and listen for the rest of the meeting, my eyes occasionally falling on to Dylan.
Once the meeting is over I go back to my desk and enjoy a normal day at work, editing pictures and sorting other things.
Half way through editing I find a picture of Brendon from his photo-shoot and I smile, he's so cute. It reminds me of the fact that we have a date tonight, how could I forget? When I decided I wanted to date him, it was when I was standing there watching him run around stage, I thought he was the cutest thing. He was so hyper and I knew when I watched him play Bohemian Rhapsody on that piano I wanted to date him. I didn't want to wait any longer. And then he kissed me in his dressing room and the whole time I had butterflies in my stomach and I couldn't stop smiling. That's what I thought about all night, the kiss with Brendon and then I thought about the kiss with Dylan. And I realized how different it was, when Dylan kissed me it was unexpected and weird and I felt nothing but when I kissed Brendon I felt everything, every emotion, my stomach did back-flips and my mind swam. I knew that's how I wanted to feel my whole life.
A knock on my desk interrupts me from work and I look to see who it is. It's my boss, my eyebrows furrow as she smiles.
"So I talked to Dylan, he talked me in to giving you two the Cover Girl shoot if something were to happen to Sandra, so just hang out alright" she smiles with a wink and then walks away, leaving my mouth agape. Why would Dylan do that? After yesterday you'd think he want to stay as far away from me as he could.
Should I confront him or do I just leave it...what's the chance that something would happen to Sandra. It still begs the question, why would Dylan want to spend an afternoon with me after he kissed me and I denied him.
Not to mention I'm going out with one of his favorite musicians tonight, not that he knows that. I groan as I finish my work and then leave for the night.

After I get home for a little, my phone goes off and I see that it's Brendon. A smile spreads across my face I slide the answer button.
"Hey Brendon" I answer.
"Ready for our date tonight?" he asks, I can hear that he is smiling and I can't help to smirk at how cute he is.
"Almost, give me 2 hours" I tell him. He agrees and then I begin to get ready.
After I've showered, done my hair and makeup, put on a nice black dress and some heels, Brendon texts me that he's about to be here and I sit down with my purse.
Soon enough there's a knock on the door, I happily get up and answer the door to find not Brendon but Dylan, drunk on my porch.
"Dylan?" I let out a confused laugh. He takes a swig of whatever he has in his bottle and goes to hug me but I pull away.
"Rion, why don't you like me? I've been racking my brain but I can't seem to come up..." he pauses, looking me up and down. "Why are you dressed like that?" he asks hiccuping.
"I uh..." I fade. What do I say? "Do you want to come in?" I ask, gesturing for him to come in. He smiles a weak smile at me and walks through, falling to the floor, the bottle going with but luckily it doesn't smash.
"Dylan, are you okay?" I ask running to his side. I turn him over and he smiles up at me.
"You're so pretty" he laughs. I'm about to say something when I hear Brendon come in behind me.
"Rion...what's going on?" he asks, walking closer to me.
"He just...I don't know" I shrug standing up to look at him. "Dylan just showed up randomly, he's drunk." I explain. Brendon nods once and walks closer to Dylan, his head turning sideways, he uses the toe of his shoe to nudge him.
"Brendon" I slap his arm lightly.
"Brendon?" Dylan asks, standing up on his feet. "What're you doing here?" he points to Brendon and I shrink next to Brendon.
"The real question is, what are you doing here?" Brendon asks, shrugging.
"I came to see my best-old best friend" Dylan tells him.
"Okay...well you've seen her. It's time to go" Brendon reaches his hand out to grab Dylan but Dylan pulls away, protecting his bottle of whatever it is.
"No, I came to see why she didn't kiss me back yesterday" he looks from Brendon to me, realization hitting his face. "What does Brendon have that I don't Rion?" he asks with anger in his voice. I open my mouth to speak but Brendon does before I can form words.
"She actually likes me Dylan, she sees you as just a friend. What don't you get?" Brendon laughs, I slap Brendon again on the arm. He doesn't have to be so harsh about it. Brendon ignores me and steps closer to Dylan. "I'm better than you in every single way and she sees that, you, you're just a dude she works with. That's all you'll ever be"
"Brendon!" I shout, pulling his arm back.
"Is it true? He's better than me?" Dylan asks me and I am again rendered speechless. What do I say to that? Everyone has their flaws, right. 
"You should just leave while you can, before you get hurt Dylan. She doesn't want you, she wants me. I mean-" Brendon lets out a scoff, looking Dylan up and down. "Look at you, you're nothing, you're just...you're a shell of a man."
"Brendon, you need to stop" I move forward. "I was handling this before you showed up." I warn him. Brendon is being a real dick right now, I mean I get where he's coming from but he doesn't need to act like this. 
"Clearly..." Brendon shakes his head. "We need to get going if we're going to make our reservation." he turns to me.
"I'm not going anywhere with you Brendon, you should just leave" I tell him with disappointment in my voice. I am disappointed in Brendon, I thought he was a nice guy and he's being rude to my friend.
"HA! Looks like she's leaving with me" Dylan laughs and Brendon raises his eyebrow.
"I'm not leaving with either of you alright. Brendon" I look to him, "You're going to leave, I don't want to deal with you right now and Dylan" I look back to Dylan. "You're going to lay down on the couch and go to sleep" I tell him.
"Rion you can't be serious" Brendon says offended. I ignore his comment and take Dylan into my living room, taking the bottle from him. He lays down and closes his eyes. I pull a blanket over him and turn to leave the room.
Brendon is still in my kitchen, looking irritated.
"I thought I asked you to leave" I glare at him as I pull my heels off.
"Rion, I've been waiting to go on this date since I met you" he stomps his foot.
"You're acting like a child. You were being mean to Dylan, can't you see he's sad. You're lucky its just tonight, how could I ever go out with someone who is rude my friends?" I ask. He shakes his head, rolling his eyes.
"Like he's going to remember that in the morning. I'm sorry Rion, please, let's just go" he gestures to the door.
"I said no Brendon, maybe some other time. Now leave before you make it worse" I walk past him. I go to my room and after a few moments I hear the door shut.
I really wish I didn't have to do that but he was being a dick and I can't stand for that....so much for date night. I pull my dress off, replacing it with a t-shirt and shorts, take off my makeup and then pull my hair into a pony tail.

When I wake up and come downstairs I find a still sleeping Dylan on my sofa and I sigh. Last night was awful. I make a pot of coffee and while I wait I check my phone. 2 missed calls from Brendon, 1 voicemail and 1 text. I put my phone down and go into the living room to wake Dylan up, as much I don't want to be around him today, we both have work in an hour and I'd hate for him to miss it.
"Dylan" I shake him and he groans. After a second or two his eyes open and he rolls over so he's facing me.
"Rion?" he asks, sitting up quickly. He groans again, realizing that was a mistake. "What happened?" He asks, rubbing his temple.
"Well" I laugh, sitting on the coffee table. "You came over really drunk last night, asked me why I didn't kiss you, fell on my kitchen floor and then fell asleep on my couch" I decide to sum it up. He doesn't need to know he made me miss my date with Brendon or that Brendon was even here.
"Rion, I'm so sorry. I don't know what to say"
"How about I drive you home so you can get ready for work and then we just go back to being Rion and Dylan, two friends" I offer and he nods.

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