Chapter Eleven

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Song to the side

Snow Patrol- You could be happy

You could be happy, I hope you are

You made me happier than I'd been by far

More than anything I want to see you, girl

Take a glorious bite out of the whole world   

Chapter Edit @Goodnyte


Chapter Eleven

   | Winnie |

            It was odd how just thinking of one person could light up your day. How memories of what happened only days ago could keep a wide smile on your face, and everything you try to do to hide it doesn't work. It was odd but I'll admit it was great. I don't remember being this happy about school, or smiling away as I cleaned the mess my mother had all over the kitchen this morning. I was happy and nothing could take it away.

            Except maybe everyone sitting at the table in the middle of the cafeteria, watching me as I stood with my lunch tray in search for a place to sit. Normally I would park at the table closest to the door and eat quickly, but it seems the chess club was meeting at said table. I sighed and began walking at a turtles pace to find an empty spot. I could feel their eyes on me, Anna watches with a smug expression as she sits on Calvin's lap. It just aggravates me.

            "Assholes," I whisper to no one in particular and keep my pace.

            "Hey, don't be too upset. I'm sure they didn't know you had reservations there, lucky for you I saved a spot over next to me."

I could feel his breath near my ear as he stood behind me speaking and reached for my tray. His scent captures me in a slight haze of joy, and I forgot about everything else. When I turned to face him he smirked and looked towards the table he sat with me last week.

            "Unless, of course, you're a member of the club." I smile, and shook my head as his lips widen into a smile.

            "I wasn't talking about them actually, and I have no idea how to play chess." Dmitri laughs as he switches my lunch tray to his other hand and reaches with his other to grab my hand.

            "Good because I was hoping you would have lunch with me; if you would like to?" He tugs my hand, and starts walking to his table where Alan and Lacy were sitting and talking.

            I pulled away before he got too close, remembering the not so polite stares of the center table. Dmitri turns to face me, curiosity clear in his eyes, and I can feel their eyes on me as well. I felt I had to protect Dmitri from whatever Calvin and Anna were doing, or going to do. They had only given me stupid looks and spread some dumb rumors, but I couldn't help to be cautious. You never knew with them. Letting go of Dmitri's hand and turning my head to their table discreetly, I barely glanced at them as I heard Dmitri's voice.


The way his voice lowers and shifts, into that caring velvety tone draws my eyes right back to him and then I'm lost. He smiles as I snap my mind back from his gaze to what he was saying. "What's wrong?"

            I shrug, and give one last glance to Calvin and Anna before taking a deep breath and capture those deep brown eyes again.

"I don't, um, they might see us together and then--look Dmitri, I want this to work but I know them. Okay, if they see you with me they'll just start trouble with you. I don't want that, you have nothing to do with this and it's not fair to drag you into it."

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