Chapter Sixteen

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Song to the Side
Lea Michele (Glee) - My man ( Don't judge me :p )

Oh my man I love him so
He'll never know
All my life is just despair
But I don't care
When he takes me in his arms
The world is bright, alright        

Chapter Sixteen


| Winnie |

            "That was a little crazy, huh?"

            I nod, and watch as Lillian tries to skate over some cracked cement on Dmitri's skateboard. The intensity of the day weighing in, and all I wanted to do was get home and call him. To check and see if Vikki was okay, and if she finally told him what she was doing.

            Lacy sighs next to me as we walk down the street quietly. She was going to her mom's house and decided to walk half way with us. Also I think she wanted to know what was going on with Vikki. "I wonder how Dmitri is, he was pretty pissed off there." I nod in agreement once again but I'm a little baffled when she makes her next comment. "You seem to have calmed him though... you guys are like, I don't know; together."

            I laugh, amused at her confused expression. "Well, yeah, that's kind of the whole point of being boyfriend and girlfriend." Lacy just nods and continues walking.

"He seems pretty taken by you. I've never seen him so... I don't know; confident."

            Her words confuse me now. When was Dmitri not confident? I mean since I've known him, he seemed like he knew who he was. The person he wanted to be. He was so sure and comfortable with himself. It's a major reason why I was attracted to him in the first place. To me, he was smart and assured. He's everything I wasn't, comfortable in his own skin and didn't care what anyone thought. He was real and the truest person in my life.

            “Confident?" I question throwing a glance to Lacy and catching her smile.

            "As long as I've known Dmitri, he's always been true to himself but with you it's like this new light's been lit up inside of him." She looks to me as we kept walking a little behind Lilly and I spot some sincerity in her eyes. "It's like he thinks he can do anything now. I mean as long as he's got you."

I nod in understanding. The feeling was mutual and I felt myself becoming more sure about who I was and the person I wanted to be. All thanks to that tall nerdy hot boyfriend of mine. "I would hate to see that light taken from him though." I almost stopped walking at the suddenly tense conversation.

            I didn't know what she meant by that or what she was trying to get at. So I decided to make a joke out of it and pretend like the tension was non-existent. "Is this the part where you tell me if I hurt him, I'll regret it somehow, all intimidating like or something?"

            Lacy shakes her head no as she laughs amused. "No, this is the part where I tell you how good of a guy Dmitri is. And that even if you do hurt him or things end badly between you two; he would always be there for you. It's just who he is."

            I take in her words slowly; she wasn't being protective of him but rather putting in a good word. He really didn't need her to do that since we're already together but it just showed what good friends he had. And what kind of friend and guy he is. It also made me slightly wonder how she seemed to be so sure he would do that.

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