Getting a Pet:

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James: You looked up at James, begging him to get you the tiny black kitten. He looked down at you, and said, "Not right now (Y/N). Cats are very high maintenance, and we're always on tour." You looked at him, holding up the kitten and sticking out your bottom lip in a pout, and said, "Please please pleeeeeeaaaase?? I haven't had a cat in years, and it'll be super fun!" James sighed in defeat, looking at you so his blue eyes met your (E/C) ones, and said, "Alright, we can get the kitten." You smiled, and said, "Yes! Her name will be Sabbath! Get it? Black Sabbath?" You giggled, making James laugh, and you guys bought the tiny kitten. When you did, you brought her home in her cat carrier, and let her out in the living room. After you did, you and the guys played with Sabbath, and lived happily ever after.

Kirk: Kirk looked at you, holding the small light green iguana, and said, "Can we please get this iguana? He's so cool! Please (Y/N)?" You looked at him, your (E/C) eyes meeting his brown ones, and said, "Alright. The iguana is pretty cool. But, you have to promise me that you'll take care of him by feeding him, getting him water, and taking him to the vet when he needs to go." He smiled, and said, "Yes! His name will be Krueger. Like from Nightmare on Elm Street. That movie is pretty awesome."

Lars: You two were out at the mall looking for new drum sticks for Lars, when you passed the pet shop, and saw a small floppy eared bunny, and said, "Oh my god! Lars I want that bunny! He's so adorable!" Lars looked at you, and said, "Do you promise to take care of him by feeding and watering him every day, and taking him to the vet when he needs to go?" You nodded, giving him a mock salute, and said, "Sir, yes sir!" After this, you giggled, and Lars said, "Alright (Y/N). Lets get that bunny!" After this, you guys bought the light grey floppy eared bunny, took him home, played with him for a while, and lived happily ever after.

Cliff: You two were just out window shopping at the mall and you saw the cutest black Labrador puppy you've ever seen. You looked up at Cliff, your big (E/C) eyes meeting his brown ones, and said, "Cliff? Can we please get this puppy? He's so cute! I promise I'll take care of him by feeding him, getting him water, and taking him to the vet when he needs to go." After this, Cliff looked at you, sighed lightly in defeat, and said, "Ok, we can get the puppy. He is pretty cute." After this, you two bought the puppy, and Cliff said, "We should call him Smoky. It's a pretty awesome name for a puppy." You smiled, paying for a small red collar, and said, "Yeah, it is pretty awesome. Smoky it is!" After you got the collar with the puppy's name and your phone number on it, you two left, and went home. When you got home, you and Cliff put the red collar around the puppy's neck, and let him run around, and you surprised the guys. Needless to say, you all loved Smoky, and you all lived happily ever after.

Dave: It was your birthday, and you were surprised to see a box with holes in the top. You studied the box, and looked at your fiancée with a puzzled look in your (E/C) eyes. When you did, he smiled, and said, "Go ahead babe! Open it up!" Without hesitation, you lifted the lid of the box, and gasped excitedly as a white and light grey ferret looked up at you with big bright blue eyes. You smiled, picking up the small ferret, and said, "Hello there cutie! Oh, your so adorable! I'm gonna call you Sugar, because you're so sweet! Thank you, thank you, thank you so much Dave!" After this, he pulled a light blue collar with a small bell on it from his pocket, and you put it around the ferret's neck. When you did, you smiled, petting the ferret gently, and kissed Dave on the cheek. After this, you smiled, and said, "This is the best birthday gift ever! I love you so much!"

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