Rob Trujillo Catchup Page ^-^

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Ok, so I'm going to add Rob Trujillo to my book, due to popular demand! Enjoy this page for Rob! ^_^

His Name on your phone:

Rob: Tortilla chip ❤

When You're Sick:

Rob: He'd come over with movies, candy, cheese and chocolate for fondue, and medicine. He'd also make you as comfortable as possible, by getting you tea, a blanket, and chicken noodle soup. After lunch, you'd build a pillow fort in the living room, and watch movies while you made fondue in the pillow fort.

Favorite Movie:

Rob: He'd most likely enjoy watching Pulp Fiction with you

When You're Sad:

Rob: He'd take you out to lunch at your favorite cafe or restaurant, and then you two would go out busking with your guitars and things. After this, you two would go sightseeing in the city you and the guys would be staying in. After a long day of fun, you two would head home, lay down, and fall asleep in each other's arms.

One Physical Feature He Loves:

Rob: He loves your soft, long (H/C) hair. Whenever you're together, you let him style your hair any way, and he always gets sad when you cut your long locks. He also likes to braid flowers into your hair whenever you two are outside.

When It's That Time of the Month:

Rob: He'd come over with movies, candy, and whatever you need. He'd also make you as comfortable as possible, by getting you tea, a hot water bottle, and blankets, and watch movies with you. After a movie marathon, you two would stay up late and roast marshmallows in your fire pit in the backyard.

How You Tell Him You're Pregnant:

Rob: "Congratulations Mrs. Trujillo! You're pregnant!" You looked at the doctor with shock, and a hint of happiness in your (E/C) eyes, and said, "I'm sorry, could you please repeat that?" She nodded, reading the results of your blood and urine tests, and said, "You're pregnant! About two months along to be precise." After this, you smiled, running your hand through your messy (H/C) hair, tears forming in your eyes, and said, "Oh my God! I hope Rob is as happy about this baby as I am. We've been trying to  have a baby for three years! We're finally gonna be parents!" After this, the doctor handed you the results, and a prescription for prenatal vitamins, and you walked out of the room. After this, you picked up your prescription, and went home. When you got there, you walked inside, and called Rob into the living room. After this, he came into the room, sat on the couch next to you, and said, "What is it babe? What's that paper in your hand?" You smiled, showing him the paper, and said, "You know how we've been trying to get pregnant for a while?" Rob looked at you, the sudden realization evident across his features, and said, "You're pregnant?!  Oh my God no way! This is awesome news babe! We're finally gonna be parents! I'm so happy!" After this, he hugged you, spinning you around, and shouted, "WE'RE GONNA BE PARENTS! MY GIRL'S HAVING A BABY! YOU GUYS ARE GONNA BE UNCLES!"

Getting A Pet:

Rob: You walked into the living room, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, and saw Rob holding a small German Shepherd puppy. After this, you said, "Oh my God! Hello there cutie! Oh, you're so cute! What's your name?" After this, Rob smiled, and said, "Her name is Poppy." You smiled, taking the small puppy into your arms, and laughed as she licked your face. After this, you smiled lightly, and said, "This is the best anniversary gift ever! Thank you so much Rob!" After this, you set her onto the floor, smiling as she ran around, and played tug of war with her new rope toy.

When It's Baby Time:

Rob: You were led down the hallway towards a room by the guys. After this, Rob took your blindfold off, and said, "Surprise! I finished up the nursery! What so you think babe?" You looked around the pastel blue room, smiling at the music related decals on the wall over the two cribs on either side of the room. After this, you smiled, and said, "The nursery is perfect. I'm sure the twins are gonna love it." After this, you felt a sharp pain, followed by a warm fluid trickling down your thighs. After this, you looked at Rob, and said, "Um, Rob? I think the twins are coming. My water just broke." After this, he ran into yours and his room, grabbed the overnight bag, and you two were off to the hospital after picking the keys to your car up off the table.


Rob wiped your sweat beaded face with a cool damp cloth, and said, "You can do it babe. Soon, our other baby will be here in our arms." After this, the doctor looked up at you, smiled, and said, "Come on Mrs. Trujillo! One more big push and your second twin will be born!" After this, you leaned forward gripping Rob's hand tightly, bringing your chin up to your chest, and let out a loud, strained wail of  agony as the rest of the second baby was born into the doctor's waiting arms. After this, you heard small cries fill the room, and you fell back against the pillows exhausted, and panted tiredly as Rob peppered your flushed, sweat beaded face with soft kisses. After this, the doctor looked up at you, smiled, and said, "You did it Mrs. Trujillo! It's a girl!" After this, Rob got to cut the cord, and as a nurse helped you get cleaned up, the doctor took the tiny crying baby girl over to a table where she weighed her and her brother, cleaned them up, wrapped them up in warm white blue, purple and pink striped blankets, put a pastel blue beanie on the baby boy's matted dark brown curls and a pastel pink beanie onto the baby girl's matted black curls, and came back over to you, and said, "Congratulations on your adorable set of twins!" After this, she handed the two very tiny bundles to you, and left. When she did, you smiled down at the tiny bundles in your arms, and said, "H-Hey there you two. I'm your mama. I've been waiting to meet you for so long. Oh, you're perfect in every way, and your daddy, uncles and I all love you very much." After this, the doctor came back into the room with a clipboard, and said, "Hey there Mr and Mrs. Trujillo! Have you two come up with a name for your twins yet?" You nodded, and said, "The baby boy's  name is Michael James Trujillo, and the baby girl's name is Samantha Rose Trujillo." After this, the doctor wrote the names down, and you two signed the birth certificates.
Name: Michael James Trujillo
Date of Birth: September 13th, 2009
Time: 12:45 AM
Sex: Male
Weight: 8lbs 5 ounces
Height: 18 inches
Multiple Birth?: YES-Twins-Twin A
Father: Robert Trujillo
Mother: (Y/N) (L/N)
Name: Samantha Rose Trujillo
Date of Birth: September 13th, 2009
Time: 1:15 AM
Sex: Female
Weight: 6 lbs. 9 ounces
Height: 17 inches
Multiple Birth?: YES-Twins-Twin B
Father: Robert Trujillo
Mother: (Y/N) (L/N)

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