When It's Baby Time:

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Edits: Pronouns of Reader changed to neutral ones
James: You were sitting down on the couch watching TV, when you felt a sharp pain in your belly. When you did, you shouted, "HEY JAMES! I THINK THE BABY'S COMING!" After this, he ran into the room with the overnight bag you two packed, and you and the guys were off to the hospital in record time.


After 4 hours of labor, you were laying in your hospital room holding a very tiny blue bundle in your arms. After this, James looked at you, his blue eyes meeting your tired (E/C) ones, and said, "He looks a lot like you. It's so unreal that we actually made this tiny life! I love you so much (Y/N)." After this, the guys came in, followed by the doctor, and the doctor said, "Do you have a name for your baby boy?" You nodded, and said, "His name is Orion Justice Hetfield" She smiled, wrote it down, and said, "I'll also need you two to sign the birth certificate." After this, you signed the certificate, smiled, and said, "Well, it's official James. We're parents!" After this, James kissed your sweat beaded temple, tucking a strand of your (H/C) hair behind your ear, and said, "Yeah. It's official. And, we'll be in this together."
NAME: Orion Justice Hetfield
DATE OF BIRTH: August 22, 1986
TIME: 10:35 PM
Sex: Male
WEIGHT: 8 lbs 6 ounces
LENGTH: 18 inches
FATHER: James Hetfield

Kirk: You two were watching scary movies, and your water broke. You gasped at the sudden wetness in between your legs, and said, "Kirk? I think the baby is coming." After a bit of Kirk panicking, and a duffel bag being packed, you two were off to the hospital. When you got there, you were registered, a nurse came over and helped you into a wheelchair, and wheeled you into a private room. When you got situated, Kirk helped you change into a hospital gown and get into bed. After the nurse checked your progress, she said, "Alright. You're ready to start pushing. I'll go get the doctor."

(Some Time Later)

The doctor looked up at you, patted your trembling knee, and said, "You're almost there Mrs. Hammett! Just one more big push!" You leaned forward gripping Kirk's hand tightly, bringing your chin up to your chest, and groaned loudly. After this, you heard piercing cries fill the room. When you did, you fell back against the pillows exhausted, and panted tiredly as Kirk peppered your sweat beaded face with soft kisses. The doctor looked up at you, smiled, and said, "It's a girl! Congratulations!" After this, Kirk got to cut the cord, and the tiny baby girl was taken to be measured, and cleaned up. After a while, and after you got cleaned up, the doctor came back into the room holding a tiny white bundle. After this, she handed you the tiny bundle, and said, "Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl!" After this, she left. You smiled down at the tiny bundle in your arms, and said, "Hello there little one. I'm your mama. Your daddy and I have been waiting to meet you for nine long months. You look so much like your father." After this, Kirk said, "She's also beautiful, like her mother." After this, the nurse came back into the room with a clipboard, and said, "Have you two come up with a name for your baby girl yet?" You and Kirk nodded, and said in unison, "Amara Lee Hammett." After this, the nurse wrote it down, and then you two signed the birth certificate.
Name: Amara Lee Hammett
Date of Birth: October 31st, 1984
Time: 4:30 PM
Sex: Female
Weight: 7 lbs. 10 ounces
Length: 16.5 inches
Father: Kirk Hammett
Mother: (Y/N) (L/N)

Lars: You were sitting in a lawn chair drinking iced tea by the pool, and felt a sudden cramping pain in your belly. After this, you cried out, dropping your glass of tea, and Lars ran out, and said, "What's wrong babe?" You looked up at him, and said, "I think I'm going into labor." After a bit of Lars panicking, you two were off to the hospital after getting an overnight bag packed.

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