How You Tell Him You're Pregnant:

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James: You stared at the small plastic stick in your hand in disbelief. It showed two thin pink lines, which indicated you were pregnant. You sat down on the lid of the toilet, running your hand through your long messy (H/C) hair, and said, "No way. James is gonna flip when he finds this out!" After this, you got cleaned up, and walked out of your bathroom tightly clutching the test in your left hand. You decided that you were gonna surprise him when he got home from the recording studio, and you got to work, finding a small box, wrapping paper, and a bow. When you got everything together, you went to work, carefully wrapping the test up in the black wrapping paper and pink and blue bow. When you were done, you set the box down on the counter, writing on a card, "Guess what!", sat on the couch, and watched a movie until you heard the doorknob rattle, and the door opened. When it did, James walked inside, and you stood up, and hugged him. After this, he saw the box on the counter, and said, "Hey babe, what's this?" You smiled, and said, "Open it and find out!" He smirked, and started to open the box. When he opened it, he looked at the small plastic stick with wide eyes, and said, "No way. For real?" You nodded, and James pulled you into a hug, spinning you around, and said, "That's awesome babe! We're gonna be parents! I'm so happy!" After this, he ran around the house shouting, "I'M GONNA BE A DAD!! MY LOVE IS HAVING A BABY!"

Kirk: You two were sitting on the couch watching scary movies, and you looked at Kirk, and said, "Hey Kirk, how do you feel about kids?" Kirk looked at you, his brown eyes meeting your (E/C) ones, and said, "I wouldn't mind having kids. Why?" You looked at him, smiling, and said, "I'm pregnant! I took a test this morning and it's positive." Kirk looked at you with a big smile on his face, lightly hugged you, and said, "That's awesome babe! I can't believe we're gonna have a baby!" After this, you told the others, and you all celebrated the baby.

Lars: You looked down at the small plastic stick in your hand nervously, and waited anxiously for the guys to come backstage after you heard their set ended. After a bit, they came backstage, and you ran up to them and hugged Lars. When you did, you said, "I have something to tell you." He looked at you, his green eyes meeting your (E/C) ones, and said, "What is it babe?" You smiled, looked up at him, and said, "I went to the doctor's this afternoon, and found out that I'm pregnant!" Lars smiled, peppering your face with soft kisses, and hugged you, spinning you around, and shouted, "WE'RE GONNA BE PARENTS! (Y/N)'S HAVING A BABY! You guys are gonna be uncles!"

Cliff: You sat down on the lid of the toilet, running your hand through your messy (H/C) hair, and smiled, saying, "Oh my god... I can't believe I'm having a baby. I hope Cliff is as happy about this baby as I am." You were so happy, as you and Cliff had been trying for two years to have a baby. When you saw those two pink lines, you almost cried out and jumped for joy. After this, you ran out of the bathroom with a big smile on your face, and shouted, "CLIFF! I'M PREGNANT! YOU'RE GONNA BE A DAD!!" After this, Cliff rushed into the room, hugged you, peppering your face with soft kisses, and said, "Really? After 2 years of trying, we're finally gonna be parents! This is awesome babe!"

Dave: You stared at the piece of paper in your hand in disbelief, and said, "No way. I can't believe I'm pregnant." After this, you decided to tell Dave by baking a cake. When you baked the small cake, you frosted it with white frosting after it had time to cool first. When you did, you iced the words: "I'm having a little munchkin! You should too!" on it with light blue icing, and set it on the counter next to the paper. After a bit, you decided to take a shower. As you were, you heard the doorknob to the house you and the guys shared rattle, and Dave came in. After you finished showering, you wrapped up in a warm navy blue towel, and walked into the hallway, to see Dave looking at the paper, and stopped dead in your tracks. After this, he looked up at you with a smile, ran over to you, and hugged you, spinning you around, and said, "This is amazing news babe! We're gonna be parents! I'm so happy!"

I'm making my way through the book to change the reader from obviously female to more gender neutral! I'll mark it so you can see which chapters I've changed! - Z :)

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