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It's morning. The second day of our retreat. Which means I will see him...again. 


PICNIC GROVE, TAGAYTAY (Home of Taal Volcano: The smallest volcano in the world)

"Two teams will combine for today's activity."

Four teams. Each team is composed of 4 members. Thea and Ella will be our teammates. Ella is a dancer and Thea is a soprano but we never interact during practices so I think this is a good chance to get to know them well.

I'm so excited! I like to do some outdoor activities. I love to be with nature. And I would like to try some extreme sports.

The trees, the cold breeze, the view of Taal lake...ugh! I'm lovin it! 

But this person beside me is ruining all my happy thoughts. I looked at him. He's not really bad compared to what I've heard from the others. Well, according to Baek's sources, he's a honorable student before- Intellegent, polite, kind and all...the Mr. perfect. But something happened and poof! He became bad, learned to cut classes and do some bar-hopping. I'm so confused right now with this person. The way he's treating me is way different than what people is saying about him- It's way too different.

Our coaches brief us on what obstacles and what goals to overcome. I'm really excited to try and explore this place!

"Are the teams ready?...Let the game begin!" Mr. Chui whistled and we run to the first stop: Station # 1.

So far so good! Our team is currently on the first place. When we're on the last station, my body froze. I can't do this. I really can't. I backed out a little bit. I should've known this will be one of the things that we'll need to pass to get to the finish line.

I'm trying my best to show that I'm not afraid. But heck! I'm really scared as shit- Too much afraid to be exact. My team's effort will be put into waste if I don't do this. I'm sure Jongin would laugh at me. I'm already imagining it.

"Are you afraid of heights? Don't worry, I'll be right here..." He lend his hand to me. "C'mon, let's finish this together okay?" Shit! Why do I feel that my stomach is doing summer saults? It's like...there are butterflies in my stomach.

Shit! What am I saying? It's impossible!...whatever!

I sighed and just ignored him. I went to the booth to set up for the zipline. I told Jongin to go first because our other two teammates are already at the end point.

I positioned myself. I was hesitant at first but I saw them cheering for me. Okay here it goes!!! Whoosh! The wind is brushing against my sweaty forehead. I-it's amazing...I mean I like this. It feel like I'm flying!

There! I'm so close! Yes! Finally I can touch the ground again when suddenly...


Shit! I became paranoid and nervous. No! I don't wanna die please!! Save me please!! I'm gonna die! I'm gonna die! That's what I'm thinking right now. But I'm trying to keep my face calm and still.

"Relax Kyungsoo! Manong said it's a little bit stuck!" Ella, one of my teammates shouted.

I unconciously look down and damn! I feel like throwing up! My head starts to spin.

"Please...please save me!" I didn't realize that I'm already crying.

"Relax Kyungsoo! Keep calm. Can you push the rope in a forward motion? Can you do that?" Someone asked me but I'm too focused on the rope above me. I can feel that it'll snap when I move.

With full force, I tried to push the rope towards them and when I'm so close to them, the metal that is supporting me became stuck and the snapper might break any minute now. Is this the end?

They all shouted in chorus. They're nervous too. Eveyone is looking at me with concerned faces.

"Kyungsoo! Can you swing?" I looked at Jongin. "No.." What's the point of trying right? I'm gonna be dead anyway. 

"C'mon! Try it!" Thea, my other teammate said.

I was hesitant at first but I tried it anyway. But shit! I can see that the rope will snap soon. Double shit! I can't concentrate. I was crying and hands are shaking while trying my best to swing back and forth.

"KYUNGSOO! LISTEN TO ME!..." I looked at Jongin. "You can do it. I know you could! Now...don't look down. Keep swinging and LOOK AT ME! " His voice is full of power and the way he said my name makes me shiver in a good way. He reached out his hand to me...and I swear my heart skip a beat.

I was trying to swing when suddenly...


I'm just closing my eyes. This is it. It's the end for me.

"Told you, you can do it."  Wait what? I opened my eyes to see Jongin smirking at me. Our faces are inches apart from each other. Shit! His eyes...that smile.

"Thank God you're safe!" Ms. Vero rushed to our side and they all pulled me up. The medics put me on the stretcher and took me away.

I took a last look at him. He's looking at me the same way he always does.

And it struck me: I'm not irritated by his stare anymore...


After that incident, I was rushed at the hospital. Good thing there's no sprain or somethig that's needed to be treated immediately- Just some bruises here and there.

"God Dyo! You scared the shit out of me!" Baek said as he assisted me to my bed.

I chuckled. "Maybe I need to lose some weight huh?"

He glared at me. "Yah! It's not funny! What do you think will happened if you fell for real? What will your mom say if that happened? What will you do if Kai wasn't there to catch you? Huh?! Tss..."

To catch me huh? Well...I'm trying my best to avoid this but I think I'm falling for him and I'm afraid he won't catch me...

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