Chapter 15

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Hayden's POV

I'm jolted awake as my alarm goes off. Even though I'm not a morning person, I got up nice and early to get ready to go 1pm. Well, the thing is, Alice and were going to a spa to treat ourselves at 9. One of the perks of being rich and in Alice's point of view, gross rich. 

~Time Passes~

After we were treated at the spa, which took about 2 hours or so, we grabbed something to eat on our way to my house. We talked about random things until somehow boys.

"So, I saw Brandon frown when he saw you dance with James," said Alice as she wiggled her eyebrows.

I was surprised at this. I wasn't sure if the was read or just my brain trying to trick me. I guess it was real then. I nodded at her. If she's gonna continue this, I have no options but to use her boy card.

"Well, I saw how Cameron kept on glancing at you. And it was suspicious how he rushed to the washroom," as I wiggled my eye brows, trying to imitate her.

Is Alice blushing? The badass queen? Blushing because of a boy? I have a good feeling about this and usually I'm not wrong about this stuff I smile evilly.

We continue to talk about random things as we get ready. I wore casual clothes, consisting with a sweater, without a hood, leggings, blue and black striped scarf and a black beanie. I also wore long, fluffy socks and brown boots. Alice wore leggings, a black t-shirt with a leather jacket that screams bad girl. We put on some makeup and I straighten my hair whereas Alice curls her hair. We are ready to leave by 12:30 when my phone rings.

Caller: Brandon

I pick up.

H: Hello?

B: Hey, just making sure you're awake.

H: Wow, you have so little faith in me.

B: And I just wanted a reason to call-

Wait what? I didn't hear the last part because his voice became quiet so I replied;

H: Wait, pardon me?

B: Nevermindi'llseeyousoonbye

He says really fast and hangs up. Okay? I shrug off and head downstairs where Ryan is waiting for us. Yes, he is coming too and he's giving us a ride. 

We greet Kiran and Kole who's also in the car. Then our adventure begins! Through the radio channels that is. Until we find a nice song to sing to. By the time we sing our fourth song, we arrive at the ice rink. 

As we enter, we see Brandon and Cameron already wearing their skates and I'm guessing it's theirs as they both play hockey. They greet us as soon as they see us and we go in line to get our skates as Ryan pays for us. I don't feel guilty or anything because like I said, they are like gross rich and Ryan likes to feel like the older brother to us or whatever. Which is pretty sweet.

After we get our skates/ just me, we sit down to put on the skates. Alice being a pro, she does this with ease. Me on the other hand, is just trying to imitate her. Hey, I haven't touched skates for over a year now! Okay? We go on the ice, not waiting for Ryan and Kiran.

Alice skates through with ease as she gain speed as well. She begins doing tricks and I roll my eyes. What a show off. Just joking...kind of. But I am proud of her being my bestie. I struggle not to fall and at the same time trying not to make myself look like a fool in front of Brandon. I grab on to the wall as if my life depends on it until Brandon notices me and offers a hand. Wow thanks, why can't my best friend do this for me? But at the same time, I'm glad she hasn't or else I would have had the opportunity to hold hands with Brandon. Hopefully he doesn't see me blushing. Or just thinks its from the cold...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2017 ⏰

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