Chapter 6

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Hayden's POV

The next morning

I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock. It's 7am. I stay in bed for a while and text my squad, Sammy, Kenzie, and Beth. 


K: What?

H: I'll tell you when I see you at school!!

S: NOooooo, just tell us!!

H: Nope, it's a surprise.

B: Ugh, fine...

I get off my phone and go into my washroom and wash my face and brush my hair. I was going to have a shower but I'm too lazy. My go into my walk-in closet and my outfit for today. I get some leggings and a grey shirt with some blue infinity scarves. I LOVE leggings. Leggings are BAE. Anyways, I go downstairs and grab an apple for breakfast and grab my purse and my binder. I look at the time and see that it's only 7:30am. I usually leave for school around 8 so I have 30 minutes to spare. So I decide to put on some makeup. I end up putting on mascara and a tinted lip balm. I check the time again and see that 15 minutes has passed. I decide to go to school early today. I grab my helmet and walk out the door. I go on my sky blue scooter and put on my matching sky blue helmet. It's a bit chilly because its fall but I don't wear a jacket. I can just borrow a jacket from my squad. 

I start the engine with my key and start driving towards my school. I drop by Tims to get a vanilla latte. There is Tims really close to school so we go there often for lunch or after school. Tims is our hang out place. Finally I see my school and park in one of the parking spots for students. I usually get a ride but my parents aren't here so that's why I decided to use my baby. My scooter was my present from my parents for going into high school.

When I start walking through the halls, I see that not many people are here yet. I can feel stares from other people as I walk past them. Um, is there something on my face? Oh no, I bet its my hair. I quickly dash into the girls washroom to check on my hair. Yup, it was my hair. It's not that messy but it looks like I didn't brush my hair. Oh well, I guess I'll just put my hair into a messy bun. I like to put my hair into messy buns a lot because it's quick and doesn't need to be straightened or curled. I don't like to straighten or curl my hair because it takes a long time but I do it on special occasions. 

I walk out of the washroom and head towards my locker. My locker is beside Beth and Sammy. We are really lucky, but there's this annoying dude beside Sammy. And when I say annoying, I mean it! He won't stop talking! And at every chance, he flirts with all of us!! Jason Woods is a DICK! His name stands for:




Of a B*tch


Yup, I said it. But the problem is that Sammy can't talk back at him. Sammy is too shy. She's too naive. Anyways when I arrive at my locker I see that Beth and Kenzie is here. Unfortunately Kenzie's locker isn't anywhere our lockers... I wave at them and say,

"Hey, what's up?"

Beth Says, "We should be asking you! I want to know what you were talking about through text!"

"Oh yeah, Brandon is in Sea Cadets!!" I shriek.

"What?!" Kenzie and Beth yell back at me as Sammy approaches us.

"What's going on?" Sammy asks.

Kenzie replies, "Brandon is in Sea Cadets!"

Sammy looks like she's just seen a ghost. 

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