Chapter 7

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Hayden's POV

As we walk into the cadet hall, I see Brandon Jackson. He looks so hot in his uniform! The uniforms are black. It has a black jacket, black pants and a white shirt that has a crease in the middle. And there's a weird white string attached on the jacket. It's kind of weird but its so hot at the same time. The hat is white and it says 137 Amphion, which I think is our name or something. His boots are black (obviously) and is shinny. He has some badges that look weird. As I look to my right, I see Sammy gawking at him. I turn to my left and see Alice winking at me, As if she is encouraging me to go talk to him. I start walking towards him but Sammy beats me to him. She gets there first. Sammy introduces,

"Hi, I Sammy Unreh" with a flirty voice. 

Brandon introduces himself too, "Hi, I'm Brandon Jackson. Nice to meet you".

Brandon smiles and Sammy blushes and looks the other way. He smiles at me when he sees me and I smile back. And I see Sammy looks murderous... Was that my imagination or was it real? She turns back to Brandon and starts asking him about Sea Cadets. I must've hallucinated because why would Sammy look at me like that? She's my best friend... I join in the conversation of Sea Cadets and Brandon tells us about a Sports Weekend coming up this weekend, which is tomorrow. He tells us that it's manatory to come. I would've came even if it wasn't because its a great way to make new friends and get closer to people. Wink, wink ;) Anyways, the PO (Petty Officer) Anderson tells us to go stand along the bulk head and we follow her orders. She calls for markers and stuff but I don't understand anything so I just follow the others. 

She calls out names and puts us into 4 different groups called "divisions". I am in Terra Nova with Alice, Kole, Brandon, Sammy, and a bunch of other guys. The other divisions are called Restagouche, Mackenzie, Gatineu. I'm so happy that I'm in the same division as Alice, Brandon, Kole and Sammy! But mostly Alice. Sammy is my friend too but I'm closer to Alice, like I am closer to Beth than Sammy.

After we are done Colours, which is like a ceremony to put up the flags at "dawn". We do that when we arrive at the cadet hall and we do Sunset at "sunset" and lower the flags before we leave. We go to our classes. There is a white board that tells all the different phases to go where they need to go. Phase 1 is the first years. Phase 2 is the second year of cadets and so on. It says that all phase 1's should go to the "Navigation room" to learn about Sea Cadet rankings by PO1 Graver. 

New Entry (NS)-the newbie newbie

Ordinary Seamen (OS)- the newbies

Able Seamen (AB)- was in cadets for 1/2 year

Leading Seamen (LS)- was in cadets for 1 year, second year of cadets

Master Seamen (MS)- was in cadets for 2 years, third year of cadets

Petty Officer Second Class (PO2)- forth year of cadets or higher (depends)

Petty Officer First Class (PO1)- depends

Chief Petty Officer Second Class (CPO2)- depends

Chief Petty Officer First Class (CPO1)- depends

After we're done learning, PO1 Graver asks us if we want to play a game. And of course we say yes. I mean, duh, who wouldn't like to play a game? We decide on 7Up. Its when seven people choose 7 other people who's eyes are closed. And when I say choose, I mean as in tap their thumbs. The people who's eyes are closed give a thumbs up while they put their thumbs on the table. People who gets chosen try to guess who picked them. If you get it right, you can become the one who chooses. We play that for a couple of rounds until there is an announcement that signals the start of "period 2 training". In a cadet night, there are 3 periods of training. We just finished the first period training. Now its the second period training with a different PO.

PO Anderson comes in and I hear some of the other cadets groan. She isn't the most loved by this guy named Dagaso. He strongly dislikes her because she made him clean up last week. Each division has to stay after cadets to clean up for about 15-30 minutes. Last week it was Gatineu. This week its Terra Nova, us. Period 2 training is about "Healthy Lifestyle" PO Anderson introduces as she looks at Sammy. Sammy buries her head down in embarrassment.

Sammy's POV

OMG, I'm so embarrassed! She's looking at me because I'm fat! Ugh, I hate her! How dare she look at me when she is fat too! She isn't as fat as me but still... I f*cking hate her so much! She's embarrassing me on purpose! 

PO Anderson starts the lesson and talks about eating healthy, staying active and blah blah blah. And every time she says something she looks at me! This is so embarrassing! I can feel the heat on me cheeks. 

Hayden's POV

I feel so bad for Sammy. She must feel so embarrassed. It's a good thing that other guys don't notice... those guys aren't the brightest or doesn't care about this class. This class goes on fast and by the time I even notice there's another announcement for a break that's called Stand Easy. We have Stand Easy for 15 minutes and we go downstairs to the Mess Deck, which is basically like a cafeteria. They sell chips, pop, chocolate bars and other stuff. I forgot to bring money today so I guess I'll be stealing some food from others. And when I mean steal food, I mean ask to have some, not literally steal it. And when I mean ask, I mean beg until I get what I want...Jk. 

After we are dismissed, we go to the Mess Deck. And when I arrive, there's a line already for cantine, which is like a mini store that sells food and things for your uniform. As I look at the line, I see that Kole is already in the lineup. He's the forth person from the front. Alice, Sammy and I start talking,

"So, how do you like cadets so far?" I say.

"Um, pretty good" Sammy says but I know that's not true. Oops, I shouldn't have said that. I just  made the situation worse. Now its awkward. Then Kole came towards us. Yes, a saviour has returned! 'He will lighten the mood' I say to myself. Then I see that he bought one pack of chips and one pop. He bought Sprite, my favourite! He opens the pop and has a sip of it. I stare at his drink like a hawk. I want it so bad! So I ask him,

"Kole, can you give me a sip of that?" with my puppy eyes.

"No" he says as he turns around.

"I won't fall for that" he says. And I frown until I get the best idea ever!

I whisper it to Alice. 

Kole asks, "What are you planning?"

"Nothing" I say with an innocent smile as Alice and I get closer to him. We start to tickle him and say,

"Are you going to give us some of you Sprite or not?"

He says, "N-no"

"Uh-huh" I say as I tickle him more. Kole tries to get out of our grasp, which caused his Sprite to spill on...?

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