Chapter 13

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Hayden's POV-One week after drowning

A lot has happened after the drowning incident. I've been handled like a fragile thing that could break after that. Everyone asking me if I'm okay. People cooing and babying me. I've accepted Sammy's apologies but I am never going swimming again with her, that's for sure. Even though I don't act like it, I've been pretty traumatized after that. I haven't been to the pool or nowhere close having a bath. Some good things that happened after that was that Alice transferred to my school. We even got all the same classes! Thanks to her parent's relationship to the principal. Our parents know a lot of people and have a lot of connections so getting the same classes wasn't very hard. My thoughts get interrupted by my phone ringing, signalling that I have a new message.

<3: Hey

I squeal as I rush to my phone. The message is from no one other than Brandon. We've been in contact after the incident, another good thing from drowning. A lot has happened after I drowned. I was sent home, along with Alice and Ryan tagged along. He drove us Alice's house, where I spent the night. I shake my head to focus on what to respond with. I reply:

H: Hi

B:How do feel about sports?

H: Um, I do like them, why?

B: Well, the grade 8 girls volleyball team is running short on teammates so I wondered if you were interested?

I thought on the possibilities of breaking my bones...Nah. not likely. Bruises? Yes but broken bones? Nah. I dance so if I were to break anything...that would resulting me in being killed by my dance teacher.

H: Sure

I mean, what could happen?

B: Great! And if you have any questions, just ask me because your coach is the same as my basketball coach.

H: Okay...Wait what's his name?

B: Coach Aden

Oh, everything makes sense now.

B: Um and plus the assessment is in 30 minutes...


B: Btw you don't have to bring anything except your shoes and a water bottle.

H: Okay

I quickly dial Alice's phone number and she picks up...

A: Hey, what's up?

H: Are you willing to join the school volleyball team?

A: Well, that's random

H: Brandon told me about it

A: Then yes. This is a perfect opportunity!!!

H: Um, there's a twist to this tho

A: What?

H: The assessment is in 25 mins...

A: Just for you...


I rush to my closet to get my gym bag and open to see what's in there. Deodorant, runners and my water bottle. Perfect! I don't have to run around to find the essentials. I run down stairs and grab my helmet and head out. I get on my scooter to the ice rink where Alice is.

~Time Passes~

Alice and I run towards the school gym where the assessment will be held. I try to calm down my breathing and straighten myself. When we walk in the gym we see 6 other girls, including a familiar face, Sammy and a group of boys. She waved at us and I waved back. It's pretty awkward between her and me right now. I mean, she did drown me. She's been trying to make up for it but she's just too clingy. Well, it's not like I don't understand her. She's known as the girl who almost drown another girl. Others just feel awkward with her and same with our squad so she's been clinging onto me like a leech. I smile as I see Kole among the group of boys so I'm guessing the boys are here to help the coach? There's only 8 girls including me and Alice so I'm guessing that my assumption is right. We sit down on the floor next to Kole. I want to try to avoid Sammy as much as possible. Wait, how did Sammy know about this? How come she didn't tell us? Weird. I shrug it off.

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