Chapter 6

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"Ry, I have no clue what to do!" I exclaimed pacing back and forth infront of the couch in my dad's trailer.
"But I mean we kissed on that hill you and Morgan found us at before the Nationwide race at Daytona. But we didn't kissed before the race it was after the race." I continued completely ignoring him.
"Danielle, Dani."
"Oh but before we kissed I found out he actually has a girl friend and she flat out warned me to stay away from him. What could she mean by that stay away from him or else." I was completely freaking out that I didn't even notice Ryan stand up.
"Jasmine!" he exclaimed grabbing my shoulders which in turn kept me still. "Relax, I have been trying to get your attention for the past 5 minutes."
I took a deep breath in before responding. "Okay sorry go a head."
"Geez I have a headache now." he started while moving towards the cabinet in the trailer that had aspirin. "The real question here is do you have feelings for him?"
"To be honest I think I do." I replied while watching him take the aspirin.
"Then there should not be any discussion." he replied as he approached me. "I have known Chase for as long as I can remember. I remember what it was like when he first started dating her."
"Was he happy?" I asked.
"At first yeah he was. But when she started treating his friends that were girls like crap and telling them to stay away from him it changed. I went from seeing my best friend happy to seeing him put on a fake smile and attitude anytime she comes around and I am personally tired of it." he took a deep breath in before looking back up at me. "When we found you two on that hill in Daytona, and actually just seeing you being around him. That is the happiest I have seen him be for a very long time. That smile and personality he had in Daytona around you is how he is. It isn't his fake personality when he is around Kaylee."
I was going to say something when I heard Ryan's phone go off. I watched as he picked it up and looked at the text.
"Let me guess you have to go?"
"Yeah I do I have a lunch date with someone special." he replied while giving me a hug.
I followed him outside and watched him walk away. "Let me guess is that special someone named Morgan?" I asked as he turned around smiled at me and shrugged his shoulders before turning back around.

That's when I knew I had to do something. And that's when I spotted him. I took a deep breath before starting to walk in his direction.
"Chase." I called out as I got closer to him. I watched as he didn't stop.
"Chase wait."
The second time he stopped and turned around. "What do you want?"
"Nothing besides you." I replied as I kissed him taking him by surprise.
"Wow." he replied while pulling away.
"Chase I am sorry, so sorry." I replied as we stood there. "I have feelings for you and the harder I try to deny that the more feelings I get for you."
"I wondered how long you would take to realize that you actually felt something for me." he smirked while I gave him a look.
"Don't ruin the moment." I said while he laughed.
"There's nothing that's going to ruin this moment." he replied before once again kissing me.

I could not be more happy in this moment I just wanted this to last forever but knew it was going to be hard to keep it this way.

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