Chapter two: introductions and camp fires

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Mia's P.O.V

"We'll make camp here for the Night" Thorins ruff voice came from the front of the group I was pretty well ignored aside from looks an mumbling from the company until we stopped to make camp, but I don't blame them. After camp was made I stood off to the side just watching the trees sway in the wind when I herd some one approaching me turn my head to see it was the Hobbit. "I'm Bilbo Baggins I thought I'd come and introduce my self to you since no one els has" he smiles timidly. "Thank you I'm Mia" he nods before saying "the soups almost done if you want to come back to camp" I walk with Bilbo back to the camp.

Oris P.O.V

After getting my soup and settling down by the fire I found my self between my Brother Dori really no surprise he barley let's me out of arms reach he's still trying to Mother me to and my of my does it get on my nerves and Mia she's a pretty woman but short for a human she sits staring into the flames of the fire while the others told tales of long ago. clearing my throat timidly "Miss Mia thought that there were no more shadow beast hunters in Middle Earth?" I ask shyly "Ori! you can't jut ask things like that!" Dori hisses at me i can tell he doesn't trust her Mai smiles "It's alright no we haven't there I think two more not counting me self left in the world" she answers sweetly I can see Bofur from across the fire watching and listening to Mia intently. "Ahh! Lass pardon are manners let me introduce you to the company of Thorin Oakeshiled!" balin says with a smile "Ori,Dori,Nori,Oin,Gloin,bifur,Bombur Bofur, dwalin, Balin, Thorin, fili and Kili Master Baggins and Gandalf" balin Finishes Mia smiles nodding her head in thanks "Why are there so few of you left?" Bilbo asks looking almost scared of the answer . "There was or still is a Demon.that was unlike any other that has been seen or said to walk the lands of Middle Earth it Killed many of us and the rest they grew tired and saw no end beginning to think we were fighting a losing battle making it there choice to become careless and be killed." mai finished her voice low and solem. looking around i see the hole company has fallen silent and were listening to what Mai had to say which was quite surprising I found just giving the over all nature of the company and all. "So when you say was or still is you mean to say the Demon you speak of may not even be dead but still roaming about as it pleases? What do you mean by the others who werent killed by the Demon gerw tired  exsacly?" Bilbo asks worriedly. Sighing Mai explains " yes by that i do men that it was never said if it lived or was killed so it vary well could be still wandering about. as for the others well when are numbers began to dwindle around twenty or so there was a spell more like a cures if you ask me but we would not be able to age past the age of 18 unless we are able to find an apprentice so we had a successor when we do die." their were mummers around the fire for a few moments then the next question was fired at Mai this time surprisingly from Oin sitting with his ear trumpet making sure he got every bit of what Mai was saying "lass the Ruins on yours are the ones of your people? why do you lot tromp about with them plastered all over your skin any ways?" he asks rather loudly "yes they are the ruins of my kin they all represent some thing like healing< speaking many languages and along with many other things in away they mark are trade" she explains being sure that every one understood after another good hour or so of talking story telling and songs we all bedded down for the night which quickly became vary cool.

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