Chapter Four: Orcs and Beast oh my

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Mais P.O.V

It was late afternoon the second week of our journey. the Demon was near,it was really rattling every one. Even if they didn't want to admit it ( such as dwarfs like Dwalin or Thorin.) we were riding along when there was a Warg call. Bring the company to a halt when out of the blue there was a Hangon Beast standing by a tree right by Ori,Nori and Dori. it pulled out a long shining blade bring it over it's head to ready to swing.My mouth went dry I tried to warn them but no sound came out.I grabbed one of my Daggers.throwing it with a shaky hand hitting it in the neck knocking it dead.Becoming Visible to the others. We all stood in silence and watched the body and weapon fade in to nothing. there was another Warg call this time closer. Breaking the silence as we closed ranks Bilbo being pushed in to the middle. I was standing between Dori and Bifur. Dori hands me my dagger and thanks me I draw out Harpe (my sword) holding it in my hands ready for the Orc pack to come and they did barreling throw the trees like savages. as the first few came close we broke ranks and fought them. I had just killed a Warg when I felt sharp sting run across my upper arm. Turning to see it was an Orc I swung Harpe once slicing throw his neck, As the body fell to the ground with a thud the fight ended shortly after that. I set a hand on my arm bring it away to seethe clearly scarlet red of my blood shining in the low sun light. I pulled a strip of cloth from my bag and tied it around my wound "I'll deal with that at camp" I thought to my self. Much to all of are surprise the Ponies didn't bolt feeling a hand set on my shoulder looking over to see Gandalf standing there with a grandfatherly twinkle in his eyes "Was that the Demon Mai?" I shake my head " no just a simple Hangon Beast" I sigh moving my hair out of my face he nods "We'll ride up just a little way longer to set up camp" Thorin said Mounting his pony. We started to ride I was riding alone when Bofur comes up beside me he just smiles before looking back to the road ahead.I shig felling really tens know that if there were beasts along these roads and we are being tracked by not only Orc but the demon as well and at the end of the journey a dragon if any of us were still alive to see that day come i was taught by Treebeard that some times waiting and taking things as they come is the best way to deal with things like this."Gandalf " i say quietly as i come up beside him "Yes Mia?" i take a deep breath and speak in Cathrill the tongue of my Kin "I'm afraid I know the Demon is near and well i do not know if i will be able to protect the company." i pause for a minute making sure he understood what I was saying before continuing." when i was coming over the misty mountains several months ago there was.. a witch and she said that some thing that was going to happen in my further and i would rip my heart in to piece and she would be there to pull it out of my chest." i finish looking at him concerned.He looks at me for a moment there was a short silence before he spoke again in Cathrill "Mai you will be able to see the demon before any of us and that warning you will be more than enough for the dwarfs to draw the weapons and be ready for battle, and you would be able to tell them things they have to know in order to kill beasts and demons. As for the witch i am hoping to some how get the company to Rivendale there you will be able to speak with Lord Elrond and if he is there Arron, but what i think on the matter is that there is some thing to come that will set other things in motion that we didn't see coming." Gandalf finishes giving me a reassuring smile i nod thanking him feeling slightly more at ease.

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