Chapter Eight: a troll hord

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Bilbo's P.O.V

Oh my Lord! I got captured by Trolls! And sneezed on! My oh my what a tale to tell to the folk in the Shire. I sigh leaning against the side of the cave."vary unpleasant business trolls" Mai states quietly but loud enough for me to hear her. I nod "yes vary nasty indeed." I look over at her she was leaning just on the inside of the hoards wall beside me; glancing over her shoulder then back to me "what do you make of what Gandalf said and Fili and Kilis explanation of courting?" she whispers in a more hushed tone that only I could hear I chew lightly on my bottom lip "Well as Gandalf said and the way those two boy have been asking so many questions of whether or not me have a special lass or lad in your case. to be really quite possible" I finish in the same hushed whisper we are using.

Mai's P.O.V

I sigh nodding in agreement to Bilbos statement having come to the same conclusion late yesterday and not finding it vary comforting. Bilbo watches me with a confused exasperation spread across his Hobbity face "What seems to be the matter Mia" Oir asks as he approaches us looking at me as if some one had just called me a nasty name.I shrug "oh it's nothing to be worried about both of you" I say trying to give them a reassuring smile but failing terribly."Your not vary good at giving people convincing fake smiles now no more of that an tell us what's eating at your mind." Bilbo says sternly almost like what a father would sound like but then again how would I know I have no real family. sighing again I step out if the cave with them "This is the longest I've ever been around people in a vary long time." I say squinting my eyes in the bright sun light looking towards the Hobbit and young Dwarf.

Ori's P.O.V

There's a short silence before I speak up "What about your family?" I ask think Mai surly must see and spend time with them from time to time, but that's not the case as it seems. She shakes her head "No I don't have one well I use to I guess but well it's along story one for another night." she explains I feel my eyes grow wide and Bilbos face softens.Just as Bilbo was opening his mouth to say some thing els Dori, Fili, and Kili exit the troll hoard and we're able to hear every thin that was just said. "What? who has no family?" Dori ask sounding astonished "Yeah? every one in the company has some sort of family and well most of us are even related in way or another?" Fili says sound equally astonished, and well Kili looked as though some one told him he was growing a tail that's bright green or some thing equally as strange. Mai's sighs softly "I don't really have one any more aside form perhaps Gandalf and Radagast but it's not really the same they were just kinda there when I was wondering the wilds." She explains to all of us who seem to be in the same state of shock. Kili was the first to recover "Well that just won't do at all. You now have the company, Master Baggins and Gandalf to be your family" he says with a great amount of finality. Mai nods "Doesn't sound like your giving me much choice." well all laughed and chatted about the troll and what could possibly come next until the rest of the company joined us.

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