Chapter Nine: an old tale to tell

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Mai's P.O.V

That night around the fire it seemed colder,darker and in need of a good story or song. It just seemed so different, and the added cold the darkness didn't help matters in the slightest.I stare in to the glowing oranges and red hues of the fire thinking of the tale of my people and the ancient magic that i was told every one had with in them.but only some where able to truly use it for good and not let it corrupted there souls with darkness and string that they were willing to destroy the earth that we all call that of the magic welded by the dark lord saron."miss Mai?" I was brought out of my thoughts by the voice of Balin.I look over to him "Yes Master Balin?" I ask looking at him the rest of the company was silent and looking at me with couiros eyes."would you be willing to tell us the tale of your people?"I bite my lip lightly renumbering what Gandalf had told the best way to protect them would be to tell them about my people and our methods for fighting and how to tell when demons or shadow beasts are near.I take a deep breath and nod my head slowly "yes i can but why are you showing the sudden intrest?" i ask looking at them all Throin was the one to answer to my surprise "There is a beast tracking the company we lnow not why, its already lost almost three of its members to a snatcher beast as you call it.We are unable to see these things so we must have full trust in you to be our eyes for such dangers.from the tales my grandfather would tell they can not be killed unless by a spacial blade forged by your kin." he explains the others nodingthere heads in agreement.I nod my head understanding fully there concern and reasoning behind wanting to know the story of my people."You all must understand this there are things that i will not be able to explain" I say pausing to be sure they understood.When I was sure they all understood i began the tail of my Kin " no one was sure where the demons and shadow beast came from or how to kill them many lives were lost the it was said the lands were covered in rotting corpse and grass fields once golden in fall and green in the summer and spring were stained red with the blood shed of the defenceless people of the lands.Their weapons could not kill them leaving them with fear distilled in there minds and even hearts the story off my kin starts mouths after the beasts appeared their were six strange people appeared three were of the likes of men, and three woman they crossed the lands on foot caring only there packs and weapons where a demon would find them or beast they would kill swiftly as they crossed the land of Middle earths they left no trace in there wake only the dust of the slaided beasts and demons the blow away in the wind.As they passed throw towns people would watch them walk or even hid away in there homes due to there violent natchur and unruly silence.the six of them were to make a race of there kind but it didn't happen instead they were courted and marred with other races thus forming the diversity of my the ages passed then demons became for scares my kin spread far and wide across the land not really being accepted by any race due to the mixing of races when a chilled was born with our blood line we were cast out in to the wilds as soon as they were six years off age with the weapons of my kin and were left to fend for them self learn self discipline how to leave no trace in there wake heal them selves it was forbidden by law to teach us any thing as children expert to read and write.the contact between my kin with each other is scares we all as children had to learn our self's or parish." i sigh softly looking in to the fire watching the flames reach up to the stars who's light has often lit the path of my many travels the company was quite for a long moment after i finished.

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