Chapter Ten: New begining

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Mai's POV

A few weeks had passed since I told the company about my people and my lacking in a proper family. When the brothers Ri found that bit out they decided to unofficially adopt me as there sister. It was nice I had to admit, but I was afraid to get close to any one because they just seem to get hurt or die. I didn't want to go through that again. Dori was constantly making sure I was alright and fussing over my health I guess I had gotten too thin, but I have lost some wight though I don't think it was that much. Nori was all but to happy to regale story's of things and adventures he's gone on. Ori was constantly offering to knit me gloves or a scarf. The hole company was all vary happy to welcome me more than I knew before hand, I had been so used to people cringing or not coming near me and over all treating my kin like dirt. Trolls were terrible to deal with I tried to avoid them best I could I just couldn't stand those awful things. so when three or them stole the Pony's I was any thing but thrilled. I had gotten a chill the day before when it was poring rain and hadn't been able to warm up since. And being caught by the blasted trolls was just as bad if not worse, seeing all three of the Ri brothers on the spit and Bofur was a painful reminder why I don't get close with people, though no one was too hurt I was smacked in the chest rather hard by one of the trolls, it sent me flying back into a tree. it was starting to form a nasty bruise, it hurt like hell my chest felt tight and it was hard to take deep breaths, I didn't say any thing because I didn't want to be a burden to the company I thought I was hiding my discomfort well enough but I guess not.

Three nights after the trolls
Authors POV

Mai and Dwalin were sixth watch that night. It was a warm fall night thankfully, since it had rained most of the past two days. Dwalin glances over at Mai her posture was slacked and she was staring blankly into the nights consuming darkness. she had been a bit off since the trolls maybe she got hurt? Dwalin thought to him self he clears his throat as quietly as he could as not to wake the others "Mai are you okay?" He whispers to her watching her carefully. Mai looks at him blankly for a moment before nodding in response, which wasn't like her ether. Dwalin looks at her longer knowing some thing was wrong. Dwalin heaves a heavy sigh "No your not some things wrong your almost to thin to be traveling, and your not talking much you movements are slow and heave like your in pain some thing is wrong." he whispers agin this time with more urgency. Mai sighs softly know he was right she had been hardly sleeping as well. Nightmares plagued her sleep and also every waking hour, "I'll be fine Dwalin don't worry." Dwalin sighs she was stubborn like a dwarf. "if you say so lass but if your not well you should speak with some one."

The next morning
Mai was the first one up aside from Gandalf and thorin. the company's movement was slightly more sluggish than most mornings, but that all changed when warg pack picked up there sent. soon they were running between holders hiding and hopping to god Ragegast was able to draw them away. they were crouched down behind a particularly large one when the dizziness and chest pains hit Mai. she placed a hand tightly over her mouth trying the stop her self from coughing. she squeezed her eyes shut hopping to god she didn't. Bofur and bilbo noticed some thing was right with her when she swayed dangerously coming close to fall to the ground. they both grabbed one of her arms steadying her. Bofur looks at her worried mouthing are you okay? Mai nods mouthing back yeah fine don't worry about me. A warg found them and now they were following Gandalf across a wide open field. Mai knew where they were going but she was afraid to say any thing while run if for fear of passing out. the company was all crammed in to a small passage. when Mai felt incredibly light headed and sick. she reached out setting a hand on the in order to steady her self while they came to a verdict. Mai was about to voice her opinion when she started to cough they were wheezing coughs she clapped a hand over her mouth muffle. her hand soon became wet and sticky feeling most of the company watched as she coughed violently, then doubling over in pain. when she pulled her hand away from her mouth once the coughing had subsided it was coated in her blood the company looked at her hand then her in shock. Mai found her self griping the wall tighter some one was asking her if she was okay. Mai found her self unable to answer all the voices were muffled the room started to sin darkness slowly closing I her vision the last thing she remembers is some one shouting her name before darkness consumes her.

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