Chapter 1 {Rose}: The Orange Lion

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* * * Rose's POV * * *

"Stop running so fast!" I shouted at my annoying sister, Ace.

"Well it's your fault for being so slow!" She shouted back.

I tried to run faster, but I was running out of breath from chasing her.

I was pretty far behind her, but I was close enough to see her stop suddenly.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked her, not realizing she was looking at something inront of us.

"Look." She said.

I did what she said, and faced the same dierection she was.

There was a huge cave infront of us. It wasn't a normal cave though. It was edmitting a purple and orange light.

"What do you think it is?" I asked my sister.

"Only one way to find out." Ace answered.

I wanted to tell her no, but she was already running in the cave. Why does she have to be so stubborn. Guess I have to follow her.

"Ace!" I called out. Where could she be?

"Ace! Where are you?"

"I'm over here!" She shouted. I heard her voice come from around a side of the cave. I ran forward and around the turn, hoping to find her.

I turned the corner and found Ace staring down two different paths. I could tell that these paths were where the light was coming from. The path on the left had an orange glow, while the one on the right had a purple glow.

"How about I go down one of them and you go down the other." Ace said

"Are you insane?" I said. "There could be anything down these paths!"

"Welp, oh well." She said while starting to walk down the right path.

Ugh. She never listens.

* * *

I've been walking down this path for a while now, and there's no sign of it ending. There must be something though, the glow keeps getting brighter.

I wonder how Ace is doing? Did she find something yet?

Ow. Why does my head hurt so much?

I looked up and saw the reason my head hurt. I wasn't paying attention and walked into the side of the cave. There was a turn that I didn't notice. Nice going Rose.

When I turned the corner, I saw something I never could've imagined.

This will sound crazy, but I saw a huge mechanical lion.

A huge, orange, mechanical, lion.

This is where the orange light was coming from.

There was some kind of barrier around the lion. It was a big bubble made up of hexagons. Sounds weird, but it's true.

I walked up to the barrier, wondering what would happen if I touched it. I slowly reached up my hand and carefully layed my hand against it, scared of what might happen.

The barrier disappeared. Can't say I was expecting that to happen.

Then the lion's eyes started glowing light blue. It started moving.

I backed away, scared of what it was going to do to me. I kept going until my back hit something hard. I looked back and it was the wall of the cave. Great.

I looked back to the lion, and it hadn't moved forward towards me. Instead, it had lowered its body to the ground and opened it's mouth.

I slowly took a step forward to see if it would move, but it just stayed there.

I took a closer look inside its mouth. The inside of his mouth looked a little bit like stairs. I tried to look farther. I could see what looked like a hallway of sorts.

"Do you want me to go in?" I asked it, not really expecting an answer.

To my surprise, she answered. But not in the way you would expect. I can't explain it, but it felt like I was her, or she was me. We were one, and I could tell what she was thinking. That's also how I figured out she's a girl.

I cautiously walked in her mouth, and it felt like I had been here before. I don't really know why, but it felt really familiar and comforting. I knew where I was going. I knew my way around here.

I eventually ended up in a small space where I could see out of the front. There was a chair with these weird handle things on the sides. There was also some sort of control panel in front of the chair.

I went forward and sat in the chair. I don't know how to explain it, but it felt right. I grabbed the handles that were at the sides of the chair, and without notice, the lion took off.

* * *

We burst out of the cave.

I squinted because the outside light now seemed so foreign.

I looked around and felt something was missing.

Then I remember I have a sister. Whoops.

Ace! She will be so surprised when she sees what I found! She's usually the adventurous one, but look who found a giant mechanical lion!

Then out of no where, another lion bursts out of the cave! It's identical to mine, but it's purple instead of orange.

"What the heck?" I say out loud, even though there's no one to hear it.

"Rose? Is that you?" asks my sister's voice coming from what sounds like the control panel thing in front of me.

I look over at the purple lion and see my stupid sister upside down in her chair.

"Ace?" I ask.

"Oh my god! Rose, whats happening?" she asks laughing like the mainiac she is.

"I have no idea. I just kept walking in that cave and found this." I answered.

"Me too!" she said.

"And this isn't something you should laugh about! Who knows what these things are and what they could do to us!" I yelled at her.

Before we knew what was happening, both lions took off and started flying towards the sky.

"Where are you taking us?" I asked the lion.

She didn't respond back. She seems pretty rude. Like me.

Pretty soon we were in space. We kept flying past all the planets like they were all in a row. It takes ages to get all the way out here but these lions got us here in seconds! That's amazing!

I stared in awe as I watched the planets fly by us. I'm a big nerd for this kind of stuff.

I then noticed we weren't even in our solar system anymore.

There weren't any other planets. Just wide open space.

Then, a wormhole appeared infront of us. Honestly, with everything that's happened today, nothing can surprise me. If Beyoncé came blasting past us riding a pig I wouldn't be surprised. Ok, well, maybe a little, but I highly doubt it will happen.

"What are you doing?" I heard Ace yell.

I was so busy imagining Beyoncé blasting past us on a pig I didn't notice the lions were going right into the wormhole.

"Stop! Turn around!" I yell, hoping the lion will listen. It doesn't work.

We've entered the wormhole. It's very pink. Everything around us pink with a little bit of purple.

Soon enough, we're out of the wormhole and back in space.

Only this time instead of nothing there's some sort of castle ship thing.

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