Episode 3

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Episode 3

Sanskar, swara, laksh and ragini came out from their house..... Ragini just ran and sat in the front seat as she knows sanskar is gonna drive the car..... Seeing her act swara is confused(she doesn't know that ragini and sanskar are engaged).... Laksh was laughing inside but sanskar is just irritated.... Then all went to their frnds house....

Seeing ragini all girls avoided sanskar nd went and talked with laksh casually.... They noticed swara there.... She too mingled with everyone freely..... All frnds of sanskar liked her.... Many boys stared her as if they will eat her(not in any bad sense).... Sanskar saw this and felt bad..... Laksh saw all this and felt bad seeing his own bro suffering.....

At that time all heard an announcement of dance.... So ragini happily went to sanskar and hold his hand and about to drag sanskar but the host announced that they will select the pair randomly.... Sanskar prayed in his mind that he should get swara as partner.....

They chosed the pair with color of the dress..... Swara wore a dark blue short dress which covers until her knees..... Ragini wore a black short dress.... Laksh wore black casuals.... Sanskar wore red casuals..... The host announced that who wore dress with blue and red color is pair....

3 to 4 girls wore blue including swara but none came to dance with sanskar due to ragini as they all know she will create some pblm.... To take this opportunity laksh made swasan as partner..... Sanskar is on cloud 9...... Ragini got angry and she went to swara and dragged to the rest room..... Seeing her dragging swara like this sanlak went behind her but she warned them not to come....

Swara:ragini y u dragged me here????
Ragini:swara dont ask questions to me.... U have to just answer not ask questions.....
Swara(irritated):what u want now???
Ragini:remove ur dress....
Swara:what???? R u mad??? Y i have to remove???
Ragini:i already told u dont ask questions just do what i said....
Swara:hello i m not ur slave to do what u say.... Understand.... Now leave i m going....
Ragini:u do know to whom u r playing with....
Swara:c i m not in a mood to fight with u.... So just get lost....
Ragini:i m asking for the last time.... Will u give me ur dress or not???
Swara:r u in ur sense??? I will not.... What u will do????

Ragini got angry and she raised her hand to slap swara but swara hold her hand and twisted to ragini's back.....

Ragini:aa(shouted in pain)leave my hand.....
Swara:what do u think that i will get ur slap???? I m not ur puppet.... Remember it..... Wait wait u asked my dress to dance with sanskar right??? Actually i didn't had any interest to dance but seeing ur this act now i m going to dance with sanskar.... Bye baby....

After saying this swara went from there but ragini fumed in anger....

Ragini:swara i won't leave u.... Just wait and c i will make ur life hell....

Saying this c she went behind swara to stop her from dancing with sanskar....

Swara came out and went to sanlak.... Ragini too came there....

Swara:sanskar will u dance with me???
Ragini:sanskar c dont dance with her..... She twisted my hand.... (showed her hand)

Seeing this sanlak were shocked.... The shock is not that swara twisted ragini but its that someone is there to speak against ragini.... Bcoz all are afraid of ragini.... Sanlak didn't speak anything as they know that ragini must have done something....

Sanskar:Ragini she must have done it unknowingly....
Laksh:haan ragini....
Ragini:no she did it deliberately....

When they were talking sanskar's frnds came there and took swasan to the dance floor.... Swasan started to dance.... Sanskar kept his right hand in her waist and hold her hand in his left hand.... They were dancing very slowly enjoying the music.... In this sanskar forget about ragini.... She felt insulted and angry and went from there to their house....

After dance swasan came.... then part finished and all went from the party hall.... Swasanlak searched for ragini but she was not there.... Then their frnd told that ragini went to her home.... Sanlak were tensed as they know that after going home they will get nicely from their dad.... Sanlak hurriedly went to the car and went from there(dont worry swara is also present with them)....

There in gadodia mansion ragini came and started to cry.... Hearing her voice shemish and dadi came there.... Dadi got worried and went near her....

Dadi:laadoo what happen??? Y r u crying???
Ragini:dadi u told me that swara wont come between me and sanskar but today u know what happen???

Then she told everything to dadi adding some spice.... After hearing this dadi got angry.... At that time they hear a car sound.... Swasanlak came out from the car and went inside maheshwari nivas..... Seeing them going dadi too went there....

All went upstairs.... At that time dadi came there and started to shout swara's name.... Ap, dp, sanlak and swara too came there....

Seeing swara coming downstairs dadi went and dragged her....

Dadi:eiii chori how dare u too scold my ladoo???
Swara:dadi she only....
Dadi:(interrupted)dont u have manners that u shouldn't talk while elders talking???
Swara:dadi i just came to tell that ragini only try to slap me....
Dadi:she can do anything.... She is my princess.... Haan wait what is ur work with sanskar??? R u trying to trap him???? Dp send her from here.... She shouldn't be here.... Bcoz of her my ladoo is suffering.... After her arrival my princess didn't sleep peacefully....
Swara:dadi if u have any pblm i will go.... No pblm... That doesn't mean i m wrong.... All here even u know that ur ladoo is wrong.... First teach her everything....
Dadi:eii chori how dare u speak ill about my ladoo???

Dadi came to slap swara but swara hold her hands and pushed her....

Swara:c dadi if i m at wrong i will accept every punishment u give but i m not wrong....
Dadi:ur not at all a girl.... Dont ur parents teach u good values????

Dadi started to badmouth neil and sakshi..... Swara cant take it.... She shouted....

Swara:stop it mrs.parvati gadodia.....
Dadi:eii chori....
Swara:if u speak a single word against my parents i will not leave u.... Haan i thought to go from here but now i wont go from here.... Dont think of sending me out.... If u even touch me or try to harm me then i will finish u all.... Dont think too much if i say a word to my dad he will cancel his deal.... If he cancel then ur both families will come to road.... Keep it in mind....

Hearing her warning dadi was taken back.... She went from there silently.... After she went from there swara asked dp and ap sorry and assured them that she wont do like that.... She just told that as she cant take any words against her parents.... Ap and dp too understood her situation and went from there.... Sanlak were standing and watching everything with shocked face as they haven't thought that the sweet girl will talk like this.... But swara just saw them and smiled seeing their expression and went from there....

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