Episode 12

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Episode 12

At mm:

Randhir and laksh came there very sadly and laksh was like lifeless man.... Seeing them coming ap ran fast to them.....

Ap:laksh where is ur papa???
Laksh:(just crying)
Ap:laksh what happened say me.... Where is ur papa????

Seeing him keeping quiet ap shaked laksh.... But Laksh sat on his knees and cried.... Ap got shocked to c him crying like this.... She just stumbled and going to fall but randhir catched her and made her sit in the sofa and gave a glass of water.... After that randhir went to laksh....

Randhir:laksh if u sit and cry like this then who will support ur mom... C how she is weak... Go and console ur mom....

After that laksh went to ap and consoled her.... But ap didn't get satisfied..... She went to the inhouse temple and sat there and started to pray....

All this were seen by swara from upstairs.... She didn't have a small guilt seeing ap and laksh broken.... Instead she had a satisfied smile.... Randhir came there and saw her smiling....

Randhir:swara whats this???? U r laughing????
Swara:then what to do randhir???
Randhir:r u laughing seeing laksh and ap aunty....
Swara:ya.... Any doubt randhir???
Randhir:what happened to u swara??? How can u laugh seeing them in pain???
Swara:then what i have to do randhir???
Randhir:sweety we have to party.... This is the first step to our revenge swara....
Swara:ha ha sure.... Tomorrow we are going enjoy this.... Oh shit i have to call papa....

Then she called neel.... Seeing her call neel became very happy....

Neel:hello princess.... How r u??? Now only u got time to talk to me right????
Swara:offo dad u know right for what i came??? I was busy in that dad.....
Neel:oh then how come u called me now???? (With fake anger)
Swara:dad i m ur princess right??? Forgive me.... Pls dad....
Sakshi:dramebaaz stop ur drama k....
Swara:oh sakshi even u r in the line....
Sakshi:swara how many times have to tell dont call me by name.....
Neel:sakshi darling dont scold my princess k.... She will call u by her wish only....
Swara:ha ha sakshi c my dad is with me.... U cant do anything.... (She stick her tongue out and said ooo)
Sakshi:if u and ur dad joins then my wicket is over....
Randhir:mom(Randhir calls sakshi and Neel as mom and papa even swara calls randhir parents as ma and papa)u have forgotten me.... I m always there in ur side....
Sakshi:Randhir beta i havent forgotten u.... I know u will be there for me....
Swara:ha ha but my and dad pair will only win always... Ha ha....
Randhir:swara dont u want to share anything with ur dad and ma???
Swara:offo i forgot.... (hitted her head with her hand)thats y i need u randhir....
Neel:what u want to say to me swara???
Swara:papa and said everything about how she kidnapped dp and how ap and laksh are crying....
Neel:superb princess.... But i didn't think u will achieve it quickly....
Swara:dad i thought to kidnap him after some days.... But u know what they are planning for sanskar and ragini marriage quickly.... So i have to execute it quickly....
Neel:no worries beta.... We r always with u....
Sakshi:ya swara.... But be careful k.... Randhir take care of her and u too be careful....
Randhir:u dont worry mom.... Nothing will happen to sweetie.... All her bad things should face me first before her....
Neel:randhir dont worry.... I wont allow them near u..... Always our people(bodyguards) will be around u.... So nothing will come near u....
Swara:k dad.... Sleep well.... Here there is much more drama to happen.... I will update u then and there.... Sakshi dont torture my dad warna u will c my other face....
Sakshi:dad ki beti i wont do anything to ur dad k.... Now go and sleep.... Gud ni8....
Swandhir:gud ni8.....

Then randhir went down and acted to console laksh and ap.... Even swara came down.... But in all this one person doesn't even know whats going on as he is in deep sleep.... Its none other than our sanskar.... He is in sleep as doctor gave him sleeping pill..... Then again laksh and randhir went to search dp..... Randhir acted perfectly as he is worried..... Randhir is driving and Laksh is sitting in the passenger seat.... At that time a man came and fall on their car.... Seeing that both laksh and randhir got frightened and got out from the car and checked him.... Seeing him laksh got happy but he got sad to see his state as he looked very pale....he is none other dp only..... Then both carried dp and placed him in the car and went to their house.....

Seeing him in that condition swara felt happy in her heart but doesn't show it outside....

Swara:uncle(shouted and ran to him).... What happened to u???

Hearing her sound ap came from the temple and felt happy seeing him..... Then both laksh and randhir took dp to the room and called doctor.... Doctor came and checked dp and gave him pain killer injection....

Laksh:doctor papa is fine right....
Doctor:nothing to worry laksh.... Mr. Maheswari is perfectly fine... Now he is unconscious but soon he will gain his sense.... Dont worry....
Laksh:thank u doctor....

After leaving doctor laksh came to dp room....

Ap:swara, laksh and randhir u go and take rest..... I will c him...
Swara:aunty no i cant leave u like this..... I will be with u....
Ap:swara pls u guys go and take rest i will c....
Swara:aunty no....
Laksh:(interrupted)ma is right swara u and randhir go and take rest..... I will be with ma....
Ap:laksh even u go and take rest....
Laksh:ma no i will be here only....
Ap:laksh pls listen to me....
Laksh:(after much discussions)k ma.....
Swara:aunty if u need anything pls dont hesitate to ask me.... Pls aunty....
Ap:(emotionally)swara beta i m happy to c ur care for us.... I feel very happy if ragini is like u atleast 10%.... K leave that i will call u for sure.... Now u all go....

After that all went to their respective rooms.... Randhir came to swara room and locked it....

Randhir:wow sweet what an acting.....
Swara:randhir seriously i felt sad for aunty.... She didn't do anything.... Its all Mr.Durgaprasad Maheshwari did..... I just want to c him suffer....
Randhir:dont worry swara.... He will surely suffer..... If at all he comes to know about Sanskar accident his pain will get increased....
Swara:randhir after u told about sanskar accident only i remember that.....
Swara:dont give soo much money to that truck driver..... I already warned him that sanskar should get only minor injuries.... But have u seen sanskar's state???? He got some major injuries.... If at all the wound in head got deepened then just think about his state.....
Randhir:oh ho sweety dont worry now nothing happened to him right??? So leave it..... U just sleep now..... I'll c to that matter....

After that randhir went back to his room..... After so many days swara slept peacefully without any nightmares.....

With love... 😍
Jwan(Jwala and Shan)

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