Episode 25

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Hello guys.... Sorry for not replying..... I dont have time guys.... And ya ragini is now changed completely....

Episode 25

Swara went to her house.... Randhir too came there correctly.... Seeing her he went to her room....

Randhir:darling how is laksh???
Swara:ya he is fine Randhir.....
Randhir:k then what about that idiot??? Whether he was there???
Swara:randhir..... Ya he was there.... Even that ragini was there....
Randhir:what ragini??? How she came out???

As neil was passing their room he heard both of them talking.... He went inside furiously after hearing ragini is released....

Neil:princess what r u saying??? Ragini is released???
Swara:yes dad.... She is released....
Neil:how come she is released???
Swara:laksh took back the case.... So they released ragini.....
Neil:how can laksh take the case back???? Where is his pyaari bhai when he took the case back.... He was so curious in sending u jail.... Now what happened??? I wont leave them....

Saying this neil furiously went to mm.... Swara and Randhir do no what to do they too went back of neil to stop him..... But he went to mm....

Neil:(shouted)Mr.Durgaprasad Maheshwari....

Hearing his sound all came down.... His sound echoed outside that even Gadodia family too came there.....

Dp:Mr.Kapoor what happened??? Y u r shouting???
Neil:shouting??? Then what u want me to do??? To sit calmly and do nothing....
Dp:what happened???
Neil:y did u took the case back???
Dp:which case??
Neil:dont act smart mr.maheshwari...... I asked u y u took the case back which is filed on ragini???

Hearing that Gadodia's are shocked.... Dadi became furious....

Dadi:who r u to question us???
Neil:mind ur words mrs.parvati gadodia..... U dont know about me..... I will make ur life hell.... So just shut ur mouth.....
Dadi:how dare u talk like this to me???
Neil:if i show my dare u would be in streets begging for food.... Shall i do that????

Before dadi could speak shekar controlled her..... Neil gave a look to shekar as "its good ur mother is safe".....

Dp:Mr.Kapoor my son doesn't want to give complaint on her..... So that only we took the case back.....
Neil:oh then sanskar y were u silent at that time haan???
Sanskar:oh uncle... Its laksh decision so that only we didnt say anything....
Neil:see ur brother and learn it.... He loves Ragini so he cant see her in pain though she did mistake he forgive her..... But u??? Without doing any mistake u blamed my daughter.... Even u slapped her.... U were so curious to send her to jail.... Is this ur love???? Thank god its good chance that i came to know about u..... If at all after marriage u did the same thing to her what would have happened??? Surely i would have killed u.... I wont even think twice before that..... And u can take the case back.... But i wont.... I will complain against ragini for alleging my daughter in false case.....

Hearing this gadodias are shocked.....

Shekar:mr.kapoor pls i will ask apology from my daughter side.... But pls dont do this.....
Dadi:shekar y r u begging him.... Let him do whatever he wants we will see that.....
Neil:good mrs.parvati then see u in court.... Atleast ur grand daughter should be in jail for 2 days.....
Swara:dad pls..... Dont do this.....
Neil:princess u keep quiet.....
Swara:dad pls for ur princess forgive her.....
Neil:k swara..... I cant neglect ur wish..... I wont give complaint against her..... (turning towards everyone) and i warn u all..... If at all u hurt my princess i wont leave anyone..... And sanskar i m warning u if u ever see my daughter again i wont even think to kill u..... So better stay away from her.....

Saying this he went from there..... Swandhir too went from there..... After they went sanskar is heart broken hearing neil's words...... He is ashamed of his act..... He went to his room without talking to anyone...... After getting inside his room he locked the door and cried a lot.....

Sanskar:ya whatever u said is correct uncle.... I shouldn't have blamed my swara..... She is my life.... How come i doubted her??? This punishment is needed for me..... But the truth is i cant live without her..... When i do no who is she itself i started loving her..... Now after knowing she is my oreo i cant loose her..... Once again i will gain ur trust..... Swara is my life..... I love her a lot....

Saying this he cried and slept..... Here in the hall all were upset and nervous thinking what will neil do....

Dadi:how dare that man giving dhamki to me..... He didnt know who is parvati Gadodia...... If he knows me he wouldn't have talked like this.....
Shekar:ma after all this still u r proud of urself????
Dadi:shekar dont forget u r speaking to ur mom....
Shekar:what ma??? Bcoz of u only ragini is in this state....
Ragini:dadi ma papa is correct.... Bcoz of u only i m like this..... If at all u have scolded me and corrected me whenever i did wrong i wouldn't have been Like this.... Even today u let the uncle to put me in jail just to show ur power..... How can u be soo selfish dadi ma....
Dadi:ragini what r u talking???? I did everything to u only..... Have u forgotten??? Just bcoz u have to be happy i blamed sharmistha's daughter and made her to get out of the house..... But u....

Hearing this all were shocked..... Sharmishta and shekar is the most shocked person..... They went to dadi....

Sharmistha:ma what r u saying????
Dadi:s i only blamed her..... Bcoz i want ragini alone to get ur affection and care..... I just want her to enjoy everything..... Ragini even u were with me in every doings.... Then y u r blaming me now....

Again its a shock for sharmistha and shekar....

Shekar:ragini how can u fall low like this???? No there is no mistake in urs its our mistake.... We should have slapped u when u did wrong.... But we didnt do.... Thats the reason u became cunning like this..... Due to u i lost my daughter.... I wont forgive u Ragini..... From now on u r not my daughter..... Our relation is ended here itself.....

Saying this shekar went.... Sharmishta too went with him.... Dadi was standing like nothing happened...... Ragini is broken hearing her dad's words..... She sat down and cried a lot..... Seeing he like this ap went near her and consoled her.....


Guys i know this is boring and short.... No swasan at all..... But needed for the story guys..... So sorry for this boring part...... And about swara's past it will be revealed in the upcoming episodes......

Do comment ur views guys.....

Bye bye..... 😃

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