Episode 28

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Episode 28

Ap:laksh what r u saying???
Laksh:ya mom ur husband is a murderer....
Ap:no Laksh its not true....

Saying this ap fainted..... Laksh sanskar and dp are shocked..... Laksh shouted ma..... Sanskar hold his hands and asked him y he shouted??

Laksh:sanskar i had a dream of confronting papa and ma fainting....
Sanskar:Laksh we didn't reach our home itself.... Stop dreaming.... And dont dare to confront papa.... We will wait till swara confronts him.....
Laksh:ya sanskar....

Then both reached their house..... Sanlak got down from the car and went inside.... Dp was not there..... When laksh tried to climb his step ragini called him....

Sanskar:y u came here again???
Ragini:sanskar pls.... I am not old ragini..... I really changed..... Pls believe me....
Sanskar:now whom u want to kill??? That u r doing this drama???
Ragini:sanskar pls.... Dont talk like this..... Pls....

Seeing her crying laksh realized she is changed now..... But he cant accept her....

Laksh:ragini y u came???
Laksh:sanskar pls....
Ragini:thanks laksh.... I need to talk to u alone....
Sanskar:no if u want to talk to him talk before me....
Ragini:k sanskar.... Laksh i know i did wrong.... But i did everything in my dadi's influence only.... I am sorry laksh.....
Laksh:ragini its ok.... I understand.....
Ragini:thank you soo much.... I want to tell u one thing i love u laksh...... I know u cant believe me..... Even I wont ask u to accept me.... But one thing is sure laksh i loved u from childhood but dadi again influenced me that i like sanskar..... She ruled my mind fully..... I was in an imaginary state tht i love sanskar..... But i realised that i love only you..... Hope one day u accept me laksh.... I will wait for u till that day laksh....

Saying this ragini went to her home cryingly..... Laksh and sanskar is shocked with this confession.... Another person who is shocked is ap.... She too heard their convo.... She is happy that ragini is changed now and came to a conclusion that whatever decision laksh take She will support him.... Then she went to her room.... Sanlak went to laksh room....

Sanskar:laksh i think ragini is changed now....
Laksh:ya sanskar.... She is changed......
Sanskar:laksh r u going to accept her???
Laksh:ya sanskar.... I love her truly..... Now when she too loves me i cant loose her....
Sanskar:laksh take ur decision after thinking 100 times.... I will support u whatever decision u take.....
Laksh:ya thanks sanskar...

Sanskar went to his room.... He took his mobile and saw swara's photo.... He kissed her photo....

Sanskar:uff oreo i have to do something to gain ur forgiveness..... But i am not getting any idea.... I cant be away from u for long time.... What can i do???

He was lying in the bed and thinking what to do.... Suddenly he got an idea and came down..... He called randhir.....

Randhir:haan sanskar tell me....
Sanskar:randhir i need ur help....
Randhir:ya tell me sanskar....
Sanskar:i want to talk to Neil uncle..... So i need u to take swara with u somewhere.....
Randhir:y sanskar???
Sanskar:its tough to convince 2 at a time yaar.....
Randhir:ya sanskar..... Convincing Neil uncle and swara is the toughest job in the world.... But if u convince any one u dont need to worry about other.....
Sanskar:ya randhir thats the reason i want to convince Neil uncle first....
Randhir:mm k i will take swara some where....
Sanskar:thanks buddy....

Then randhir went to swara room.... She is watching tom and jerry hugging a teddy.... Randhir laughed seeing her....

Randhir:kiddoo come we will go some where....
Swara:randhir no i wont come.... I missed this epi already.... Now im watching its repeat.... So i wont come....
Randhir:uff kiddoo but i am getting bored.....
Swara:then u too come and see.... It is very interesting.....
Randhir:kiddoo pls.... I will get u a tom jerry cd pls....
Swara:really will u get me???
Randhir:ya kiddoo....
Swara:then wait for 5 minutes i will come...

After that both randhir and swara went out..... Seeing them going sanskar came to swara house.... Sakshi saw him....

Sakshi:sanskar.... Mm come inside....
Sanskar:aunty vo.... I....
Sakshi:sanskar i am not angry on u.... Randhir told me everything.....
Sanskar:aunty thank you sooo much....
Sakshi:sanskar u have to keep my swara happy.... Otherwise u cant even think what would be ur state.... No need for Neil, swara itself will kill u..... Keep that in mind....
Sanskar:aunty u dont worry.... Swara is my life.... I wont hurt her....

At that time Neil came there..... Seeing sanskar there he got angry.....

Neil:sanskar what r u doing here???
Sanskar:uncle i came to see you....
Neil:why??? What work do u have with me???
Sanskar:uncle pls i want to talk about swara....
Neil:u lost the right sanskar....
Sanskar:uncle i know i am wrong.... I should have thought twice before accusing my swara.... But at that time mind didnt work.....
Neil:what is the guarantee that u wont repeat this???
Sanskar:uncle what i want to do to make u believe that i wont harm or hurt swara???
Neil:leave my swara then.....
Sanskar:uncle i can give my life for her..... But i cant leave her..... I love her soooo much..... Pls uncle....
Neil:is that so??? See i will even forgive u for doubting her..... But not for trying to send her jail....
Sanskar :uncle that time i was blank..... Only thing occupied in my mind is laksh.....
Neil:k so u will do anything for swara right??
Sanskar:s uncle..... Even if its of giving my life....

Neil went from there and returned back and gave a knife to him....

Neil:k have this.... Cut ur nerves.... Then i will think....
Sanskar:if i cut my nerves only u will believe me.... Then sure...

Saying this he took the knife.... He didnt have any nervousness or anything.... He is very cool.... Seeing him like that sakshi and neil were surprised and shocked.... When he took the knife to cut neil stopped him and hugged him....

Neil:now i have full faith that u wont harm or make my swara sad..... Dont worry i wont be against ur love story.....
Sanskar:thank you so much uncle....
Neil:sakshi have u gave him to eat anything???
Sanskar:no no uncle.... I will eat another day....
Neil:no u r going to be my sil.... So u have to eat something....

Then after having some time with them sanskar went to his house happily....


Hope u guys liked.....
I know its quiet boring..... Sorry for that....
Comment ur opinion guys....

Bye bye.... 😃😍
Jwan(Jwala and Shan)

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