Part 4

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Episode 4

Dadi was hell angry on swara. Ragini was adding fuel to the fire.. shekhar kept quiet. shomi tried to make dadi and ragini calm.. but they did not..

Ragini: dadi that girl is a threat to me.. I'm sure she will snatch my sanskar.. I will die dadi.. I will die without him..
dadi: don't worry laddo.. if sanskar marry anyone it will be you.
Ragini: but I want to throw that swara out from mm..
dadi: I will talk to dp about it.. I will do anything for you laddo.. if nothing left I will kill that girl.. nothing more important than my laddo's happiness. .

dadi had a delvish smile on her face..swara was reading a book. she heard a knock on the door. . she looked at the door and saw sanskar standing there..

swara: hey sanskar come in..

sanskar come inside and sat on the couch. .

sanskar: swara I'm sorry in the behalf of ragini.. I know she did all those drama for making you a culprit. . sorry for her immature behaviour. .
swara: hey dude.. I'm your friend. so no sorry . and why you are apologising? it was ragini's fault. . you no need to apologise. .
sanskar: did you feel bad?
swara: not at all.. I'm used to it..
sanskar: what?
swara: nothing. . so friend I need a chocolate can you bring one for me?
sanskar: definitely friend. . I will bring now. .

swara give him a sweet smile.. he adored her more. .In dp's office..dadi was sitting in the chair opposite to dp's table.. they were discussing about ragini..

dadi: dp ji you promised me that you will make ragini sanskar's wife.. if you don't keep your pronise I will reveal your secret to the whole world. . then you can't face the society. . your family will hate you. . you will be on jail.. so better you make ragini as sanskar's wife as soon as possible. .
dp: parvati ji I will keep my promise. . I didn't ask sanskar's wish. but I ordered him to marry ragini.and he agreed because he loves his family more than anything. . and their engagement also why you are threatening me? sanskar will marry ragini. it is my last word. .
dadi: but that girl swara . my laado is afraid of her. she may snatch sanskar from my laado.
dp: no pravati ji.. you are mistaken. . swara is a high class girl with high values.. she didn't do such cheap things.. and her dad is a very rich business man.. he sighned 500 crores deal with our company. . if he cancelled it we will face a huge loss and we can't survive it.. so we have to behave politely with swara. . and she is very sweet..
dadi: enough of praising that girl.. ok. for our company's safety I will keep quit.dadi left..

(dp and shekhar are business partners. . )

dp thinks about something. his eyes were moist..shomi was calling ragini for having food. but ragini didn't open the door. . shomi informs this to dadi.. dadi also called her but she didn't open the door. dadi and shomi worried like hell.. shekhar was not in the house. . shomi runs to mm.. swalaksan and ap was there. . shomi inform then about it. they all rushed to ragini's house. sanlak bang the door with their body and door opened in a high sound.. they all frowned to see the sight.. ragini was lying on the floor.. blood oozes from her wrist. . ragini tried to suicide. . dadi and shomi started to cry.. all were worried. . sanlak carry ragini to hospital. .The wound is not so deep and only skin was cut. vein is not cut. so ragini is safe.. After a few hours ragini got conscious. she asked that she want to meet dadi..dadi came near her bed.

Ragini (in a tired voice): dadi how was my drama?
dadi: fabulous. but I was worried. .
Ragini: what for dadi? I didn't cut my vein.. only cut the skin.. I'm not a fool to cut my vein.. my life is very important for me..
dadi: now all are worried for you.. we have to take the advantage of this situation. .
Ragini: ha dadi..

dadi came outside..

dadi: laado is very disappointed. she thinks that sanskar didn't love her. so she did it..

sanskar feels guilty. he is the reason for ragini's condition. . whereas laksh felt angry.. swara didn't understand anything. .

ap: nothing like that kakisa.. ragini is sanskar's. . he will marry her.. it is my promise. .

sanskar looked his mother in shock.. he felt very bad.. he have sympathy for ragini.. but don't know why he can't love her. he is very happy when talking with swara. but feels irritated while talking with ragini.. he felt strange. . he couldn't love ragini.. but ragini decided to end her life for him.. he was in a big trouble. .

dadi: sanskar beta . my laado loves you so much.. If you don't marry her she will definitely die.. you will marry my laado na..

sanskar didn't understand what to say.. ap give death glares to him.. swara understand something. . she feels pity for him that he have to marry a girl like ragini.. laksh goes from there..sanskar just nodded his head.dadi felt happy.. ap also..sanskar looked at swara. she smiled at him.. she didn't have any feelings for him.. he saw sympathy in her eyes . and didn't see any love in those big beautiful eyes. . he is again mm..laksh was damn angry. . He was throwing things here and there.

laksh (monologue) : why you are playing like this ragini.. ? you love sanskar who didn't cares for you a bit.. you can't see Me.. I love you Ragini.. I loved you from our childhood. . you can't see my love.. you can see his ignorance and dislike only?and you tried to die for him.. why ragini? why? am I not perfect for you? not good for you? I always love you ragini.. Please try to understand me.. I'm living only for you. . you are my everything.tears fall down from his eyes.. he sat on the floor as lifeless body. ....

with lots of love...
Jwan (Jwala and shan)

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