Episode 16

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Episode 16

Sanskar:doctor what r u saying??? Food poison but she just ate keer....
Doctor:do no mr.maheshwari.... But we have to complain to police as this is a murder case....
Randhir:doctor what r u saying???? U told its just food poison..... Now i r saying something....
Doctor:even we thought its food poison but sry sir somebody have given her poison.... So we have to complain the police as its our hospital procedure....

Randhir furiously hold doctor collar and shouted....

Randhir:if at all anything happens to my swara i wont leave u and this hospital....
Doctor:pls be calm.... Even we r struggling to make her normal.... Pls have faith in god.... Everything will be alright....
Randhir:i m sry doctor but pls save my cutie.... She is my life and everything.....
Doctor:its k i can understand.... Dont worry....

Saying this doctor went.... Randhir is crying a lot.... Sanskar is standing in a shock.... He do no what to say.... He is standing just like a lifeless body..... Laksh is in dilemma whom to convince as both randhir and sanskar are sad.... He just stood numb..... At that time police came.... Seeing the police ap and dp were afraid....

Police:hello mr.maheshwari....
Dp:hello sir....
Police:we got a complain from police that someone poisoned ur guest food....
Dp:s sir she is in treatment now....
Police:shall i know what happen???
Dp:we do no inspector.... My son sanskar was only there with her....
Police:k sanskar shall u say what happened???

Seeing him in shock laksh went and shake him.... He got out from his shock.... He just stood numb seeing police....

Police:sanskar can u say what happened???
Sanskar:sir i went to drink water at that time i heard some murmuring sound from swara.... To make her normal i went near her and made her normal.... After that she asked me keer.... I prepared her and gave her.... After eating she got unconscious....
Police:whether she alone ate???
Sanskar:no inspector even i ate....
Police:whether she has allergy of anything????
Sanskar:i do no....
Randhir:no sir she didn't have any allergy.....
Police:sanskar have u mixed anything????

All were shocked hearing police.... Dp got very angry.....

Dp:inspector what are u saying???
Police:its our formal enquiry mr. Maheshwari pls cooperative us....
Sanskar:sir i didnt add anything....
Police:but u have to come to station.....
Dp:inspector he is saying right he didn't add anything???
Police:we cant believe his statement.... Let the victim open her eyes.... After hearing from her we will leave him....
Sanskar:papa dont worry.... I didnt do any wrong..... Nothing will happen....

Then sanskar went with police.... Dp went out and took his phone and called lawyer....

Dp:hello lawyer sir.... (told everything)
Lawyer:sir i m sry as today is sunday we have to wait till monday for bail sir....
Dp:what r u saying??? Till that my son have to be in jail???? No chance....
Lawyer:sir i can understand ur emotions.... Bt we dont have any other option....
Dp:u cant say this....
Lawyer:sir we can bring ur son only if that girl gets her conscious....
Dp:k lawyer sir.....

Dp went inside the hospital and told everything to ap and laksh...... They were praying for swasan...... Ap thought that all this was happening due to ragini's kundli and thought to stop this marriage.....

At that time doctor came out and told everyone that swara is safe and she is out of danger..... All were very happy.... Randhir was like he got his life....

Randhir:doctor i want to c my cutie.....
Doctor:wait for few minutes we will shift her to normal ward after that u can see her....
Randhir:thank you so much doctor.....

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