Episode 27

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Episode 27

Randhir told everything to laksh.... Hearing that laksh is shocked and feeling sad for swara as she faced so many things in this early age.....

Laksh:that means swara is shonali??? Our shona???
Sanskar:yes laksh.... She is my oreo.....
Laksh:then how she came to neil uncle and sakshi aunty???
Randhir:its a very sad thing laksh....


After swara left the house she do no where to go.... As she is just 7 years old..... When she was crying and walking on the road aimlessly she stopped at one place.... Then only she realised she came far from her house.... When she tried to go to her house she forgot the way..... She started to cry more.... At that Time a man came there and asked her....

Man:beta what happened??? Y r u crying???
Swara:uncle i forgot my way to home.....
Man:come beta... I know ur father....
Swara:really uncle????
Man:s beta... Come....

Saying this he took swara.... In the way he gave her a biscuit..... After eating that she felt drowsy and slept..... The man took her to his place...... Next day morning only she opened her eyes.... Seeing the surrounding swara felt scared and started to cry.... The man came and slapped swara.... She cried loudly.... Then the man gave a plate to her....

Man:see u have to do the things which we are saying.... If u didn't do that i will kill u.... Understand???
Swara:(in fear)mm k i will do anything....

Then they brought her to a place and asked her to beg.... She did all the things they told.... Days passed like this.... If at all she try to refuse or try to escape from there they beat her badly..... Like this 1 year passed..... All this one year is a hell for swara..... She prayed to god to send someone.... But god heard it very lately..... After one year police came to know about this and they saved all children from them....

After saving the children the police gave all the children to their parents..... But swara told she is an orphan as she doesnt want to go to her home..... Then the officers thought to send her to an orphanage..... At that time senior inspector Mr.Nakul told them that he will do that work.... He and Neil are family frnds..... Neil and Sakshi doesnt have child.... So Nakul thought to send her to them.... Then after the procedure of adaption Neil and Sakshi adapted swara.....

Flashback ends.....

Randhir, Sanskar and Laksh has tears in their eyes.....

Laksh:randhir swara had gone through this much???
Randhir:ya laksh.... If at all papa haven't come to know about this child racket then do no what would be swara's state.....
Laksh:papa?? Neil uncle???
Randhir:no laksh.... Nakul is my papa..... As he and neil uncle are frnds only i and swara became frnds.....
Laksh:oh ok ok..... Then how u come to know about her past???
Randhir:actually when we brought her home she is very conservative..... She didn't talk to anyone..... We tried a lot.... Then after a month only she talked normally.... Then we both became frnds.... We play together..... But she always used to talk about lucky and bobby.... When we asked her who they are she just told they are her frnds..... And sanskar u know she always used to talk about u only..... Sanskar is like this like that.... If she eats something which u like then she will tell sanskar like this so much so keep me more i will eat his share too..... Then as time passes she told us everything......
Sanskar:i m really a bad person.... She loved me this much.... But i??? Now she hates me a lot....
Randhir:sanskar leave it..... Past is past..... Just try not to hurt her in present and future.....
Sanskar:ya sure.... I wont hurt her..... Now tell me laksh whether my support to her is wrong???
Laksh:no bhai and i am really sorry..... I didn't think papa will do a murder....
Sanskar:ya laksh.... I too didnt expect that.....
Randhir:sanskar i forgive you and will help u.... But if at all u repeat the same thing with my sweety i will kill you.....
Laksh:ya even i am with randhir....
Sanskar:oh god i have two saviors of my oreo..... Dont worry i wont repeat the mistake again.....
Laksh/Randhir:that will be good for u.....
Laksh:then Randhir Neil uncle and sakshi aunty know about it???
Randhir:ya laksh..... Actually uncle made a deal with ur company.... After that only sweety told us about her past.... And for her self satisfaction maa and papa accepted..... So we made use of that deal..... And when she came to know sanskar and ragini are engaged she thought to break it and make sanskar fall for her..... But fortunately the same thing happens.....
Sanskar:what??? That means this also a part of plan???
Randhir:ha ha s sanskar but we didnt want to hurt u..... We were waiting for right time to tell you...... But u came to know the truth.... So it became easy for us....
Laksh:how u guys came to know that swara's dad is killed by my papa???
Randhir:laksh dont forget my papa is an Inspector..... After we came here only we know the truth laksh.... That too we kept a camera in ur study room.... So by that we came to know that he didn't kill only swara's papa but also sanskar's papa too.....
Laksh:i didn't think even in my dream that my papa will be a murderer.....
Sanskar:ya laksh.... He is a god father for me..... But its all fate.....
Randhir:k guys.... I am going.... Sweety will search for me....
Sanskar:k randhir.... Take care of my oreo....
Randhir:ha ha ya sure....

After that all went to their home....


Sharmistha is sitting in a bed with a photo of a small girl and crying....

Sharmistha:shona where r u??? I am sorry beta.... I m not a good mother.... How can i leave u like that..... Pls beta forgive me.... U told me u didn't do any wrong.... But i didn't hear u at all..... Pls come to me beta....
Shekar:shomi dont worry.... I told my frnd who is in police department..... He told he will help us....
Sharmistha:shekar shona is a small girl.... Y did i do that shekar.... I loved ragini more than shona..... Both are my child only y i did partiality shekar???
Shekar:shomi dont worry..... We do no how she is.... Hope she is good wherever she is....

At that time ragini came there.... She felt bad seeing her mother and father crying....

Sharmistha:y did u come here??? Bcoz of u only i lost my shona....
Ragini:ma i m sorry....
Sharmistha:dont call me ma.... Ur ma has died long back.... I am no one to you....
Ragini:ma pls dont tell like that.... Papa pls tell ma to talk to me....
Shekar:ragini we are no more ur ma and papa.... Ur only relation is ur dadi...... Go to her..... And dont come here....

Saying this he dragged ragini out of the room and closed the door on her face.....


Sanlak came to their home.... Dp and ap was there.... Seeing dp laksh is very angry....

Dp:laksh u r not well.... Then y u went out???
Laksh:(not interested)i was not feeling good being in the room so i went out....
Sanskar:papa i went with him... U dont worry....
Dp:laksh dont strain urself more.... Take care beta....
Laksh:its ur sin that i am taking it now....
Dp:what r u saying laksh???
Sanskar:laksh keep quiet....
Laksh:sanskar y r u stopping me??? U can dig it into ur heart.... But i cant.....
Sanskar:laksh listen to me....
Dp:laksh sanskar what u both are talking???
Sanskar:nothing papa... Laksh come with me....

With that he dragged laksh.... But laksh jerked his hand and went near dp.....

Laksh:u want the truth na???
Dp:ya tell me... What truth u both are talking????
Laksh:we came to know that u are a bloody murderer..... That too u killed ur brother for this property and made his son sanskar as an orphan....

Hearing this dp is shocked..... Ap came there from temple.... Hearing this she too is shocked....


Hope u guys like it....
Silent readers pls comment....

Jwala and Shan(Jwan)

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